xxbethxx / Member

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xxbethxx Blog


How have you all been since I talked to last? Which was sometime in January unfortunatley :( I decided back then to stop going on GS cos I was addicted! I felt really guilty if I didn't post on my unions but I decided that my school work comes first. I got C grades in my RS and Geography exams that I took back in January!!! I was over the moon!!! And I raised my grade in my AS english coursework from an E to a B!!

And now it comes to my other A level exams :( My first one is tomorrow! ARGH! So I am hitting myself over the head repeatedly because I should be revising instead of writing on here! Oh well!

I have had 16 driving lessons now! They have been great! My driving instructor is really good too, though he annoyed my so much last week that I hit him whilst driving! He didn't mind! He's used to it by now!

 Please write back and tell me what you have been up to over the last... 4 months :)



grr... I hate school!!!

I haven't been on here as much for the past few weeks because of the amount of school work I've had. Also, I've been having exams in Geography and RS so I've been revising like mad for those :( I had my RS exam yesterday and I'll have my Geog one next Wednesday. I feel completely drained, I REALLY need a holiday :( I could barely stay awake in my RS class today even though I had a good night's sleep last night.

Despite the bad parts in my life at the moment there are some good bits! :D I applied for 6 universities before Christmas and I have had 5 replies saying that if I get the grades I can go to their university!! The last one I haven't heard from yet. My aunty came on Saturday from Buxton which is about 2 hours away from here so we don't see her very often, it was nice to talk to someone different!! And I am going to start driving soon!! it is going to really help when I go on my gap year next year, I can go where ever I want!! :) :)

Well I hope you lot are ok!! For those of you that also have a lot of work to do I hope it goes well :)

New banner?

I hope you like my new banner :) I was getting fed up of the old one! Though the problem was I opened it up in paint to put my name on it and stupid GS won't let me upload it! Apparently it has to be jpg, jpeg etc etc! So I checked and it is jpeg! It mustn't like paint or me today :(

This is what I wanted (sorry if you can't see all of it) :(  If anyone has any ideas then please let me know! I have never had this trouble before.

Anyways, I hope you all had a very merry christmas and a great new year :) I washed our windows (on the inside) today! talk about starting spring cleaning early!! I am sure my mum was pleased that she has one less job to do :) I am in one of those moods when I am determined to do something, for example one day last year I rearranged my room in a couple of hours, I have so much stuff and furniture my mum couldn't believe it! So now I am planning to clear out the loft which only about 3ft tall and lay wooden flooring! Somehow I don't think this will be possible!!

Some random and crazy things I want to share with you :)

I have just been browsing on google and I came across this:

How amazing is this?????!!!!! soo funny!

This is my icon on msn:

Which is also amazing!!

I think il add some other icons that I love so you can see them too :)

I hope you liked my moment of randomness and I hope that you can all see them!!

shopping, invasions and chocolate coins!!

Woo!!!!  I went shopping to Chester yesterday with my best bud Nikita. It was extremely cold though!!! :( I don't like it! I bought some more Christmas pressies for my niece and Mike. I'm very efficient, I've bought all of the pressies for my mates AND family! I've bought my Mum the first two CDs by Meatloaf and she's gonna buy the new one. Does any one like him? (have an in depth discussion with Babs NOW!) He was on Strictly Come Dancing on Saturday and he was really good.

I bought chocolate coins in Chester too! yum :P

Well, Babs ( MUM ) told me about the 'invasion' that occured in the Eragon Union... I don't dare go in there yet, but I must. Poor Mum for being called a him and poor Tony! I hope you shouted at them for hitting you in the stomach with a pie!!!!.Mmm I like pies!!!! 

the christening...

Well it was my christening yesterday and i was really nervous! I was expecting to feel really excited and to feel really great afterwards but I didn't feel like that, the main emotion I was feeling was safety. My aunty, my best friend, my older brother and my niece came as well as my mum. I didnt want my dad to come cos we don't really get on and he's an atheist. Unfortunately one of my friends didnt make the service because she was in A+E! She was in a car crash the day before and she she had whiplash yesterday morning! she came after the service which was nice :) It was a bit scary when we were having tea and coffee because loads of the elders shook my hand and hugged me! It was really nice of them to welcome me like that :)

Right we should be back now!!

As you can see im back now!!! GS have reviewed the situation and have let me and mum back on! thanks for all of the concern and fuss that you all made during the last two weeks, it shows what good people you are! Despite this I wont be on here as much cos of school work and exams. see you around :) :) :)

We are back!!!

Hello all!!!! well we are back! we got the net sometime last week and its so nice to have something to do! I havent been on here much since we got it cos ive been busy!! I went to Bala College for the weekend with Crusaders and yesterday I was sooo tired! I was aching all over and I just wanted to sleep!! Im getting christened/baptised on the 22nd!!! I cant wait, its going to be a great experience!!

Oh yeah I am now a tagger flirt so I will have to tag some more things to get the next one!! :D

Oh dear......

I have finally been on the net, i havent been on the net for 1 week!!!! so bad :( our internet contract ran out last sunday cos my dads boss forgot to renew it so me, my mum and my brother have been going insane with boredom. My poor mother (babstheyaris) has spent her days playing solitaire and freecell, it wasnt pretty. so we wont be on here for quite a while until the boss rings up the company and renews our contract. A simple task for most normal people but when it comes to the boss we will be away for quite some time  :cry:  Ive had to go around to my brothers to use his internet.

so as arnie says "ill be back!!!"

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