@ajaychitown: the difference is the pro is an upgrade, the Scorpio is a new console, don't care what fanboys or ms says, it's a new console and will put anyone with an original Xbox one in the position of having an old gen console.
Developer rage like this never ends well, yes you only make for Xbox at the moment, but PS4 is the lead platform by a long way and you've just stopped yourself being able to develop for it, unless you want to look like a prick and someone who just talks bs, the pro is actually very good thank you.
Oh Phil please stop begging for attention, your product is a failure and nobody's interested in your ass kissing of other people's products, now that would be good for gamers.
I don't think it can be in any way good for gamers, if the Xbox can't run it then it should at least still be on pc, dodge stuff like this is exactly why I moved to PlayStation, atleast we know we're getting properly decent exclusives.
@deathwish026: well yes, More sales makes it the right choice, don't understand your argument to be honest, more sales = better games, more exclusives, more players and community etc, so yeah.
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