As anybody at square enix will tell you, timed exclusivity doesn't end well, majority of people myself included will buy on console if they can, or just wait for steam release and buy it at a lower price due to the age of the game.
@Oren76: Sorry but it's not about YOU liking it, while you may like it, the reviews it's been getting paint a different story, 3/10 from TSA for example mean IT IS a bad game whether you like it or not.
It's better but it does have issues, lack of cosmetic items compared to black ops 3, overpowered abilities including ones you have no chance to avoid and worst of all inconsistent ttk.
It's hardly surprising, digital is more convenient for a game like this that you'll be playing often and for a long time, it's also worth noting that it was cheaper on the ps store at £90 for the digital deluxe versus £110 for an equivalent physical version at game.
It's just as fun as black ops 3 to be fair, however just like it and infinite warfare and ww2 it has launched with issues with split screen, hopefully it doesn't take the usual 2-3 months to fix this time.
xxdavidxcx87's comments