xxmatt125xx's forum posts
[QUOTE="Sunfyre7896"][QUOTE="LJS9502_basic"]Yeah but any place in the area can be considered. For what reason couldn't she have gone inside? She seemed to want to antagonize the police to be fair. And she had the same idea OT does....because it's her property she can do what she wants. That's not actually true. For instance if the cops think a crime is occurring in your home...they can enter without a warrant.LJS9502_basic
But the crime wasn't being committed in her house or yard, but the street. And as for antagonizing the cops, I only witnessed her asking why she was being asked to move because she was only filming in HER yard. She wasn't cursing them, just asking what she was doing wrong, completely confused as to why she was in trouble at that point. I guarantee, most of America backs her side and would be confused as to why you're in trouble over this.
You are antagonizing me. You should get off the OT and go sit in your room. If you're there, turn off the computer and just sit there. The reason? I feel unsafe due to your antagonizing. Sounds pretty similar to me.
And they weren't going to arrest her. She was asked several times to go in her house and told why. She refused. That's what happens when you fuss with cops. She doesn't have to curse to be arrested. She wasn't arrested for videotaping. She was arrested for noncompliance with a police officer in the process of performing his duty. And like I said...if they felt they wrongfully arrested her....that tape would not exist. It does. So they followed proper procedure. Yep let the Police do whatever the like, lets not question anything they do they, arrest anyone for whatever reason they can think of.
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