xxmatt125xx's forum posts
Killer Incstinct, (confirmed and screen in ?
360 mag)
which mag was it ill have to check it out
the one where he jumps out into the water and lands on a boat is ridiculious2ndWonder
Yeah that was the best one he did, pure amazing
the one where he jumps out into the water and lands on a boat is ridiculious2ndWonder
Yeah that was the best one he did, pure amazing
[QUOTE="BioShockOwnz"][QUOTE="Twisted_Hawk"][QUOTE="killab2oo5"]See the date....28th March 2006.Now...http://www.destructoid.com/bioshock-coming-to-the-ps3-again-no-it-s-still-not--28985.phtml[QUOTE="Hammerofjustice"]LOL TLHBO for MASSIVE DAMAGE.
No more exclusive bioshock for joo.
I couldnt resist...but you have been self owned.After e3 BioShock was confirmed that it was ONLY for 360 and PC.
Unfornately, this is an updated link, with a new magazine. Just because it's announced does not mean anything at all. Man, 360 isn't any fun anymore.
You never owned one to begin with. Want to know the funny thing cows? I can still name more and better exclusives on the 360 in 07 then on PS3. MGS4, LAIR, MOTORSTORM, Heavenly sword, GT5, Warhawk, FFXIII, FFXIII versus, Killzone 2, Loco Roco, God of war 2, I could keep going if i wanted to.and how many of the are actually coming out in in 07, Hammerofjustice plz post reliable stuff and not stuff you make up
[QUOTE="xxmatt125xx"][QUOTE="-L-U-I-S-"][QUOTE="Hammerofjustice"][QUOTE="air0123"]what is this again? I dont understand.HammerofjusticeBIOSHOCK hyped AAA by lemmings is coming to PS3. Personally I could care less. This game doesnt appeal to me
I agree the big metal dudes look kool but apart from that there isnt much i like about it, not bothered if it goes multiplat or stays exclusive
:lol: Damage control... :lol:
how is that damage control i have never been interested in this game
[QUOTE="gtx-1"][QUOTE="justforlotr2004"]Was never really exclusive since theres a rule about it being on PC and 360.Twisted_Hawk
Actually no. GRAW 1 was on 360, PC, Xbox, PS2, etc. Obviously that was exclusive to lemmings, even though it was not. Your denying failed. Take it like a man.
Sucks to be a lemming at the moment.
Please don't make fun of us though. All I have left is Gears of War, and that's it.
yeah the 360 onlys has gear:roll:
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