yea thats why me and my friends went back to gears 1. gears 2 is just a rush to see who can get that 2 piece in first. im almost positive people melee more than they shoot. and for all those who say that 2 piece is a valid way to get kills, youre the ones who are keeping gears from being fun. all the 2 piece does is make the gameplay as repetitive as a broken record.
im glad im not the only one who has a problem with the mess of multiplayer that is gears of war 2. im just tired of the fact that if its not lag, its some form of cheating.
Seriously, who else is fed up with the unbelievable lag that is called Gears of War 2? Not only are half of the games extremely laggy, but there is non stop glitchers, and people who use lag switches. Im actuallly done with playing Gears 2 until they decide to update at least the stupid lag. there are so many things they could patch but the lag should be their number one priority. who else agrees that the lag is just too much and various other glitches are keeping Gears 2 from being fun? Note: Im really just talking about ranked matches, private matches are fine because since their are no cheaters in that its actually fun.
Get a Creative Zen, i think its in the price range you said, and it has an SDcard so you can expand the memory, a nice screen for videos and a bunch of other stuff. Personally, i wouldnt go near an ipod just because i dont like the fact that a new ipod comes out every year. I like the purchases i make to be worth purchasing. A Zune would definitely be better if you had the extra cash though.
The funny thing with all the blink hate is that blink 182 actually changed the musical tastes of a ton of people, they will always be one of the fun bands to listen to from the 90's for me. greenday was fun to listen to up until their latest album, just because it sucked so much. i have no comment on RHCP just because of the recent songs ive listened to are way too similar to one another to discern them from one another.
Ok, first off -- we get it. You got a hot mom. Thanks for sharing. Pics or it didnt happen. Second -- if I ever have kids, I hope they're not as uptight as you. Can't wear belly piercings, and now you have a problem with her wearing a bikini? Sajedene
totally agree. i mean, i get it because shes your mom and everything, but shes also a woman too. And they like feeling sexay;)
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