@psn_m1nat3k: Just the simple fact that you would compare Zune to anything, especially Rhapsody, tells me that you've never even used Rhapsody. It's actually a really awesome service, I listen to a lot of obscure music and they have what I'm looking for 90% of the time.
You can dog on them all day if you'd like, but if you enjoy music and a massive library of selections to choose from then you're the one missing out.
Wait a second, he's complaining about LAG, of all things? Not about the changes to in-game mechanics or the way the game is structured, but the NETWORKING? Halo 5 uses dedicated servers... hell, out of ALL of the games I've played on Xbox One, Halo 5 is the only one that plays consistently smooth, to the point where I could seriously mistake it for a LAN connection at times (and no, I'm not exaggerating, that's literally how good it plays). Compare that to Destiny, where I personally was lucky to get a green-bar connection 1 out of 10 games, and this shit feels like a godsend. Where in the hell does he get off acting like it lags? Why this sudden invested interest in talking shit about highly-popular titles? Why is this idiot suddenly trying to make himself relevant in the eyes of the gaming community by tweeting out this garbage?
I've seen a lot of people complaining about how they seem to die quicker in this game without being able to acknowledge the fact that dedicated servers will make your bullets register quicker as well as bullets hitting you will register quicker than what you're used to. It's one of the first times in Halo history (on console anyway) where lag specifically WASN'T an issue. What the **** is this idiot going on about?
@mr_azim: Welcome to 2015, where even some of the best looking cosplay and photography can be degraded to 'lazy' by random idiots on the internet at the snap of a finger.
@battlefront1943 If you'd actually play it, you'd realize that it's not a paid demo at all. The majority of gamers crying on the internet about GZ haven't touched it, and in fact, know absolutely nothing about it.
@acer86 @MegaPhilX2 No, there isn't. You're embarrassing yourself by trying to sound so confident regarding something that you are definitely, for sure wrong about.
They're not getting flamed for it because it's easily worth the value. I've spent well over 15 hours playing all of the missions, and then playing them some more with different approaches. And I will continue to play it for a long time to come. You know why? Because it's FUN. Longevity doesn't equate to value, regardless of what preconceived notions you may have.
Anyone who has your attitude, your mentality, is part of the problem. There is this awful phenomena spreading through the gaming community lately where people run their mouths about things they haven't actually tried for themselves and preach their ill-informed opinions as fact.
@faizanhd There's no justification for you to not play a game and judge it based on what other people, who also haven't played it, said on the internet. Plus, the game has 5 or 6 'extra ops' you can play along with the campaign.. but again, you'd know that if you played it without basing your opinion on hearsay and misinformation, wouldn't you?
Quite frankly, people who run their mouths about GZ being 'too short' when they haven't played it are idiots. I know it's easy for anyone who hasn't played it to hear a comment like that and think "Oh, he's just trying to rationalize his crappy purchase", but really, the replay value on GZ is quite high. I've spent at least 15+ hours playing all of the missions, then playing them again, then playing them some more. You know why that is? Because it's goddamn FUN.
This is what people are seeming to ignore about all of this. The game is just fun, and as Danny said, the gaming community these days seem more concerned with longevity in terms of playing it from start to finish.
I think everyone was concerned when they found out just how short the game was, but anyone I've talked to that's actually played it has loved it, myself included. It's a miniature sandbox of sorts that shows off the MGSV engine, and it's absolutely everything I expected it to be, and more. I've, in fact, enjoyed my purchase far more than I expected to, and I have also played it far more than I expected to.. and I will continue to play it frequently until Phantom Pain drops.
@theprismhead So you haven't played it, yet you have no problem labeling it as a 'demo'? People like you are what's wrong with the gaming industry lately, particularly the gaming community. Too many know-it-all's who truly know nothing about what they're speaking of.
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