@anomaly3001 Well I'm glad you're so closed-minded that despite all of the shit piling up around Microsoft on a near daily basis, and with how they've been so openly exposed to being involved in data-sharing schemes with the NSA, you're still completely blind to even the possibility that maybe Microsoft doesn't have your best interests at heart. Maybe they're trying to put cameras in the living rooms of all of America.
The fact that the X1 is even about to come out, and the fact that ANYONE is fine with the privacy-invading hardware that is built into it, is pretty disheartening.
@anomaly3001 @yearssomuch ...Are you serious? The PS EYE is MADE to work with the PS4 too, what's your point? It's just not being forced onto anyone who wants the console for an extra $100.
@anomaly3001 Yeah, because Microsoft hasn't been exposed as a part of PRISM, along with god knows how many shady business practices. How much 'proof' do you need?
@SteamRule You can 'turn off' the Kinect, and Microsoft has confirmed that the console is perfectly capable of running without it, yet they refuse to release a version without it.
@anomaly3001 @yearssomuch Nope. I have a webcam built into my laptop, but when the drivers have been uninstalled there's not much to worry about. Too bad you can't uninstall the firmware for Kinect 2.0.
What's this? Another article about Microsoft talking about how 'game-changing' the Kinect is? Paint me not surprised.
Look, I get that the Kinect is an integral part of the system, but that doesn't change the fact that a fair majority of people have a problem with it. It would be so simple to release a model that lacked Kinect and had a lower retail price. But if Microsoft were to go down that route, they'd be abandoning their entire agenda for the X1.. privacy invasion. It's not as crazy as it seems, you guys.
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