@Darkfall_05 This is mostly how I feel about the whole thing. I just feel like it's influencing people to troll even more so, and isn't doing much to help the standing of the community around here. That's all I'm saying.
@DIGN @yearssomuch @Goriza Yeah, I understand that trolls are everywhere on the internet.. the combination of anonymity and the ability to freely say anything on the internet makes that easily possible. I'm simply saying that Feedbackula is encouraging this behavior, throughout their website. I suppose you could say it's a bad influence.
@Goriza @yearssomuch @DIGN I understand that, but all a show like this does is degrade the quality of the community. People start trying to think of things they could say in articles that might get them a spot on Feedbackula, and the entire community goes crazy.
For example, maybe you didn't see the 'Xbox One no longer requires Kinect' article, but it was being spammed incessantly by annoying idiots, saying irrational and stupid things. I understand that we're in the whole System Wars thing right now, and trolls aren't exactly rare on the internet, but this was awful. Feedbackula is clearly inspiring this sort of behavior by encouraging it.
@DIGN @yearssomuch Inept questions? Maybe the wording of it is a little harsh, but the point still stands. It's a mediocre show, showcasing the mediocre opinions of mediocre people, with mediocre hosts. It's one thing to have a show on your website showcasing the opinions of the people who inhabit it, but it's another when it's only the opinions of those who are both illiterate and lacking in mental capacity.
And I guess if you want to call me a hypocrite, go for it. I'm not making trollbait, I'm posing a legitimate question.
@realguitarhero5 We live in a day and age where regardless of something's quality, there is always a group of naysayers just for the sake of it. The fact that people act like Bioshock Infinite, for example, is an 'overhyped pile of garbage', is a shining example of this. Whether you liked the game or not, the fact that anyone can act like it's one of the worst games of this generation (and people do, a lot), proves my point.
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