It really depends on the game in question as to whether or not lacking a Single-Player campaign is important or not. In the case of a game like Call of Duty, no, the single player doesn't matter. No one cares. Granted, I enjoy playing SP campaigns on any game, CoD included, but the focus with that particular game is purely multiplayer. It's better for the developers to focus the entirety of their energy on the component people want, as opposed to the components that people will ignore.
How about MOBA's, like DoTA, Smite, or LoL? Would you want to see a single player campaign in those games? Hell, no. A practice mode, sure, but not a campaign.. because it diminishes the point of those games existing in the first place.
However, single player games are still very viable, and anyone saying otherwise is a fanboy shill, at the beck and call of greedy developers who rehash the same game year after year in a 'new' package, encouraging people to buy the newest edition to continue playing with their friends. **** that.
yearssomuch's forum posts
none of the comments are showing up, not even the comments box, is there a problem with livefyre?
Yup, LiveFyre won't even load for me on GameSpot. The 'Discussion' section of news articles is completely empty.
I'm a big fan of this game, very fun and very free. I main He Bo, by far the strongest God in the game.
So I'm stuck to like, two playlists. Microsoft gives you the game for free, but if you want to have the full experience, you better have all the DLC too, amirite?
This is why DLC is ruining the industry.
I think they're considered to be less of QTE's just because there's no other way to play a game like this. But compared to Heavy Rain, it's definitely got a more responsive feel to it, since fighting is encouraged by following Jodie's movements, as opposed to on-screen prompts.
-semi spoilers-?
Man, this game is going to be great. I had a ton of fun with the demo, whether I was wrecking havoc as Aiden while some innocent old lady lost her mind in 'The Experiment', or fighting atop and jumping off of moving trains, running through forests, fighting police dogs, driving around on stolen police bikes, or hiding out in a theater while controlling Aiden to punish the SWAT team outside in 'Hunted', I enjoyed it the entire way through.
I can't wait to play the game from start to finish, it looks fantastic.
If you like the old style of Splinter Cell, there's what, four or five games with that playstyle? Go play those if you miss the old days that much. This franchise has been around since the launch of the original Xbox, to say that changes aren't needed to keep it fresh tells me that you're naive.
As I said, if you want the playstyles of old, go play the older ones.. Chaos Theory, more specifically. That game was perfect.
The Stun Gun is a non-lethal Pistol, and you can replace that with the Crossbow, which has Shock Darts, Sleeping Darts, EMP Chaff Darts, and Noisemaker darts.
The Crossbow easily became my weapon of choice.
I rented it over the weekend from Redbox, and wow. Unlike most, I actually enjoyed Conviction a lot, but was disappointed in the lack of variety in the gameplay. And in comes Blacklist. Blacklist basically takes Conviction, and makes a true, legitimate Splinter Cell game out of it. The amount of useful gadgets and customization made this game an absolute blast to progress through, and the gameplay itself strikes a good balance between Conviction's new style of gameplay and the concept of Splinter Cell games of old. Basically, I haven't enjoyed a Splinter Cell game this much since Chaos Theory.
Oh, and to the naysayers who pretend that the 'new' Sam Fisher ruins the game, I disagree. While it was sort of odd getting used to Sam looking and sounding younger than he ever has, I thought that it still very much Sam Fisher, and by the time I got to the end I had practically forgotten they had switched voice actors. Just had to throw that out there. :P
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