@BrutalPandaX2 i've had money stolen from through xbox live. it was a hack through fifa 12 on the microsoft servers only that took them 4 months to fix. they refunded the money but it was irritating to know that my bank account wasn't secure (they spent it all on avatar costumes and fifa 12 cards) no online system is impenetrable. did not have this problem through the ps3 crash. so to say it has not gone through "this kind of security problem" is ignorant as there are still cases of people accounts getting hacked throughout various ways.
in terms of payment no ones saying they cant afford it but when all other major platforms are free to play it seems a little steep to expect people to pay $60.00 a year on what they could get for free elsewhere. also having to pay a subscription to use additional subscription services is pretty steep as well.
yeebsey's comments