yelgath's forum posts
rofl its bill gates hes a nooblet so who cares. same happened to me. they send u a box u ship it ups and they give u a new one for free. use teh trick and if it breaks who gives a big pile of dog sheeit ur getting a new one phr33.
rip off bil gates any time u can...he shoots money dude hes not gonna get mad at u roffle.
the psp....the incredible psp... It can store music adn videos like an ipod! except and ipod is limited to mp3 tracks but the psp can play a huge variety.
Games p1ox? The little system has some pretty shweet games, and it nice to have a couple games on the go other than the typical mario-does-this mario-goes-there games.
built in Wi-Fi? the thing can get online. sure, the speeds may be slow, but if u need to look something up its there and its phr33!
For half the price of the exalted iPod, the psp plays more music and videos, does games, can hook up to the web.. It's great! It also has the camera attachment u can get some other cool stuff... It's a must have. And the iPod has limited memory. If you run out of memory on your psp who cares? By a second memory stick!
The iPod, AND gameboy both get OWNED UPSIDE DOWN by the PsP, and it's cheaper. Get one. Now.
personally im kinda mad at the new games coming out as none have been any good. I bought LOTRO online and really it isn't even worth calling an mmo. Fury was pathetic, halo 3's online play was average...i got mad and stopped playin from all the glitches i encountered ( dont flame me halo lovers...good game just im sayin buggy for me. ). since all the reasont new games have sucked, i think you should, BEFORE BUYING ANY GAME, wait a week and read 3 seperate reviews, THEN decide to buy it. In the past few months ive wasted over 100 dollars on games that i stoped playing after a few days. I'm sticking with world of warcraft for now.
Game I recommend checking out? Spore. It's completely different and I'm tired of all MMO being "i want to be WoW" all rts being "I want to be C&C or AOE! " and all the fps being typical either space age kill stoof, WW2 kill stoof, and uh..nvm thats all.
But still..wait and read the reviews. Games these days are too expensive to blow that amount of money on something you'll never play.
ok if u didn't read anything i said before read this. DO - NOT - WASTE - MONEY - ON - LOTRO
it looks like a homemade pathetic "game" that shouldn't have been brought out of beta. both GW and WoW so far surpase LOTRO that its just disgusting. plz dont support that game..
and most people who are guild wars fans have a few reasons to hate WoW.
1. They don't like idea of paying $15 per month. or
2. They like more fighting and less talking, and I admit WoW is a very social game, and it has a TON of chatting in it. or
and that only a few reasons, but most is because of number 2. Like i said in my phat oversized reply, guild wars lets you create a character then kill stuff. a lot. Warcraft lets you maek a character. Then get guildies. Then maybe kill stoof. Then talk a lot. Then maybe go do some pvp.
just ask why they didn't warcraft, and why they did like guild wars... what they say is probably true.
Ok this is kinda long but i tried to sum up the point of both games.
Ok s heres he thing. Guild wars is more of a your safe in cities where u can trade. The cities are completely safe but boring and the items and trade is pretty limited. When you leave the city, your guaranteed a fight, but its basically you running through an obsticle course and killing stuff all the way in order to reach the end. Guild wars pvp is basically you and your team is locked in a gladiator arena to duke it out for a while of just killing people within the little box theyve put you in.
WoW is much less limited. They world is the world, theres not a loading screen when you enter the city. pvp is realistic... if your walking in the forest u may get attacked by the enemy. Maybe a town will go under seige by enemy players. ( that is, in a pvp server. In a normal server it varies, but still has more freedom that GW ) as far as towns and trading go, the towns are much bigger, and a BIG part of WoW is social stuff so the trading is excellent. Unlike guildwars there is a variety of things trade or go after.
In the end Ill say this.
If you want to get in there and get into action and basically kill stuff, and you dont really care about improving, talking to other people, or freedom to do what you want, and if u just want to get sent and and say "kill this" then get guild wars.
On the other hand if u want to spend MUCH more time playing a game, want someone to talk to, wnat to see your character improve and like team based efforts not limited to inside a box pvp ( although they have the option if thats what you prefer with "battle grounds" ) then WoW is the way to go.
Guild wars = go kill stuff, sell junk to vendors, kill more. Pvp = get locked in a room and kill stuff. repeatedly. limited.
WoW = Do whatever you want, fight, talk, team up, conquer a dungeon, enhance trade skill. PvP = optional locked in a room style pvp but also in a pvp server the ability to actually stalk ur prey. In WoW a rogue can actually feel like a bandit, stalking someone while stealthed on the side of the road. not limited.
I kno this was long but hope it helpz
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