You can get in trouble for altering Sony's Firmware in a way that involves other companies into an issue, its like modify a regular car into a tank... y'know what I mean?
In gaming, the PS2 pwns the PSP for sure, R/L2 and the second analog stick makes the PS2 better, also the PS2 is graphically superior, although I'll take that back when a PSP game have better graphics than Shadow of the Colossus.
On the other hand, the PSP is way better than the PS2 in other places than home.
None of the NFS for psp are any good, but if you don't want FlatOut, I suggest that you should save your money and or time. And if you really want one of those, I would pick carbon.
Anyways, I'm still wondering how some people manage to play their psp or ds in their poo breaks, I made an attempt playing a racing game but, man, my gaming skills in my breaks sucks more than poo lol.
Heyy i want 2 know there is any good psp games i should get and i need a longer lasting battery that says its for psp 2000 and i got the old psp so does that mean it will still work with my old psp or do i have to get a brand new psp?TazmanianDiablo
God of War, Crisis Core, Patapon and about the battery, there is one for the old psp and is of 2200mAh that provides 20% more lasting life than the regular 1800mAh battery, I don't know if the old psp support the slim psp battery though.
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