When you see these mysterious words appearing on your computer, you may wonder, where do those words come from? Is someone on a computer writing those words? In fact there is and there are things you probably didn't need to know that you will anyway!
Age: 20
Height: 6'2"
Weight: 150lbs / 68kg
Eyes: Brown (glasses)
Hair: Dark Brown (short)
Complexion: Caucasian
Nationality: Canadian
Favourite Game: Super Mario RPG: Legend of the Seven Stars (SNES)
Most Hated Game: Kablooey
Favourite Genre: 2D Platformer
Most Hated Genre: MMO
Most Played Game: Clubhouse Games / All-Star Baseball 2000 (Estimated 500-600 hours)
Systems Currently Owned: NES, SNES, N64, Wii, Game Boy, GBA, GBA: SP, DS Lite, PS2, Xbox
Favourite System:SNES
Least Favourite System: GBA
Most Games on a System: GameCube (55)
Most Beaten Game: Super Mario Bros. (hundreds)
10/10 Scores: Super Mario RPG (SNES), Perfect Dark (N64), Meteos (DS)
Random Gaming Fact: I have a 147 row
Excel spreadsheet of my game ratings and a spreadsheet comparing my scores for
Mario games versus Zelda games (Mario is honestly leading by a average score of 8.950 to 8.945).
Favourite Novel: Lord of the Rings
Favourite Movie: Lord of the Rings: Return of the King
Most Hated Movie: What Lies Beneath
Random Movie/Book Fact: I've gone through multiple favourite movies: Top Gun->The Fugitive->The Shawshank Redemption->Lord of the Rings
Favourite Food: Cheesecake
Most Hated Food: Big Turk candy bar
Favourite Cereal: Waffle Crisp
Favourite Soda: Cherry-Vanilla Coke
Random Food Fact: I am vegetarian and don't drink
Favourite Music Genre: JPop Favourite Band/Artist: Hitomi Yaida /
Younha Favourite Song: Jim Brickman - Angel Eyes Favourite Music Video: Kaela Kimura - happiness!!! Random Music Fact: I've created several MIDI compositions despite being a lousy musician (
Sports Played: Baseball (10 years), 5-Pin Bowling (5 years)
Random Sports Fact: Once played an entire baseball year having only struck out a single time
Educational Level: College
College Program: Computer Science
Highest Grade: 100% (Grade 11 Computer Programming)
Lowest Grade: 58-62% (Grade 8 "Music")
High School Average: 83%
Favourite Subject: N/A
Awards: All honours, Grade 8 English, Grade 12 Computer Science
Currently Enrolled in: Computer Programming (College)
Random School Fact: Once got a teacher to say, quote, "Get a life" (I suggest you read Yarcofin's book to find a pretty amazing collection of random crap such as that XD)
Random Assortment: -Have spun a pencil around my thumb without dropping it 570 consecutive times -Boycotted the second-half semester of "Business Statistics" last college year. Got an A. -I have memorized over 40 digits of Pi - 3.1415926535897932384626433832795028841971693993. -I had a small review published in issue 153 of Nintendo Power on Golden Sun.
Never review a game without completing the entire game.
Main Character Traits: -I consider everything logically -I am steadfast in my principles -I will argue anything I believe in -I am incredibly grammar conscious, despite several errors I am sure exist in this post -I enjoy all varieties of videogames :)
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