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yohnazo Blog

How long's it been?

Hey Peoples,

It must of been a good couple of year since i've been here, seems like only the other day I was reading everyone's blog posts. I don't know if i'll stay but I just though it'd be a great fun just to carry on with a blog.

It seems like a lot of nostalgia being back here, I just logged and saw my Ultra Generous game reviews, a 10 for Billy Hatcher, really? Anyways I guess after this i'll have to take a look at some of those 75 messages O_O.

The story I talked about before I wrote some of but then I stopped, I worled out the ending, the beginning and what the story would put across but I didn't know how to write the middle part, what exactly happens between each fight and deep philosophical moment? What other characters should there be? It just got way too confusing so I plan to stick to just what I want it to be and not worry about the fundamentals of it all. I plan not to write a book from it but make a simple piece of writing or a flash series as long as I can animate it.

Hopefully i'm going into uni next year to study Game Art and Design so it's all a pretty big and busy time in my life, especially these past few days but that doesn't stop me having fun ^^

I hope you've all been going well and hopefully I can talk to you soon.

Bye for now, Paul

Fire fly and Shadow video

I havn't been logged into this site in a long time, a very long time, I can't believe I was a member in 2007, seems like ancient history to me now. A lot of time has passed and a lot has happened, lots of sad things and lots of great things, but i'm not gonna talk about all that and waste your time now :)

At the moment i'm writing a story (don't know if it'll be long enough to be a book) called Firefly, I see copywright issues with the TV program so I guess i'll change the name eventually, but for now that's the title. I havn't written that much so far, I only really write when I feel like it. But anyways I might post some of the story here for you all to read and so you can tell me if you like it or not ^^!

My friend has a site, with many different features, but my main roll on there (other than checking images) is uploading videos, so this is a place where you can watch videos made by many talented people and look at the art/music on there as well, whilst chatting and meeting new people, so please check it out at www.shadowvideo.ning.com and i hope you like it :)!

Thanks for reading and i'll catch ya later ^^!

Wow, it's been too long.

I don't think I can even remember the last time I logged onto this site, I think it was around the time the new design for the site was released, which is really too long, all youtube and videos but no Gamespot blogging :(!

Good News:

My sleep is going well, it now takes me no time to get to sleep ^^! Eating is much more healthy, if you count that 3 course meal at the pub yesterday XD! Air is great like always too :)!

Another thing, Shaman king is no longer my favouriter anime, just one I love, though Yoh is still my favourite character, my favourite two animes would be Eureka Seven and Evangelion, if you havn't seen them, watch them, they're fantastic ^^!

On the gaming side of things I have many new games, I have all A-rank on NiGHTS JOD exept for the cat boss (grrrrr.....) and I have completed all the games I have, that I can think of. The Wii game that really stood out to me recently was Dragon Quest Swords, it had great fast-paced action, brilliant controls and the gameplay mechanics where cool :)!

The DS game to really stand out lately was Ninja Gaiden: Dragon Sword, it was amazing, the action was incredebly fast and challenging whilst there where a few elements of exploration and stratergy, with amazing tough screen controls, great graphics and a fantastic story this really is a must buy ^^!

Bad News:

School is getting more work heavy, yet more interesting, my grades are getting better so that's all i'm really worried about.

My cat Bubbles died quite a while back, about 3-5 months and I really miss him, it's lonely without him around, it's not fun to lose someone you're close to, I remember the way he would purr and curl up on my lap, now I want Bubbles :(! He was black with a little white bubble on his neck and was my little furry friend, he's awesome ^^!

My word

I just read the top of my blog where it sais I try to post a blog twice a week, which is kinda a promise I make to people who read that although I read it and thought 'yeah, that's not gonna happen' so I should probably post more, although if I do that it'll most likely be about a load of rubbish, like this, what do you think?

Answers to you questions ^^!

Yes, it has finally come, after over 4 months of the blog being up i'm answering the questions, I just left it so long for a few more people to ask what they wanted but I think it's now been long enough and it's about time to give some answers ^^! The blog below this is quite important too :)!

Zeromus1337: I'm not too sure what the game I first played is sinse my Brother had a Mega Drive (Genisis) before I can remember although the first game I ever owned and played 'properly' was Sonic The Hedgehog on Mega-Drive, still didn't fifnish it at the time though, the Labyrinth Zone Boss was painful XD!

Blueguy93: I have to say the first Crappy game I can remember was a wierd Dinosaur fitghting game on the Mega Drive, it was hard and boring, with nothing unique, I was young at the time too, especailly too young for a complex & slow fighting game, I didn't have brains or patience back then XD!

just4yoshi: On my Banner that is Yoh Asakura, he was in a game but not from one, he's the main Character of an anime called Shaman King which I loved sinse I was young, he was in a few Shaman King games but it's best just to watch it rather than play it, he's also my favourite anime character ^^!

Da_Yoshi_Man89: Living in England is pretty good, lots of nice people, random people and crazy people (like me), it is pretty fun, there are good theme parks and some great places in London I go to sometimes ^^! The school system's different, you have years instead of Grades ^^! It's cooler temperature wise, which I like XD! I don't know if it's a better place to live than America, i've only been there twice, 6 weeks in total and it is a lot of fun, but that's because my parents save up a lot of money for holidays ^^!

I hope that answers all you questions well and thank you very much for asking them, thanks for reading ^^!

Skype Help

Hey dudes, recently I have been wanting to get Skype and download it onto my PC although my PC's too old and we can't update it, so I was wondering if anybody knew of an Internet version (like E-Buddy and MSN) that I can use instead, thanks everyone ^^!

I'm free, have returned by choice (finally) ^^!

Hey everyone ^^! I'm back & ready to read blogs XD! Although at the moment I really don't know how long it'll be until I fly away again, although I really do need friends to hold me down because last time I returned I was very happy to see all my friends again, especailly one, who know who he is ^^! And besically after my return I wrote a question blog, roughly a week after my return and only 2 people asked questions, so I kinda felt like I more belonged back Youtube, i'm gonna give my last blog a while before I answer the questions ^^! I've really missed my friends from here and hope to see you all soon :)! Thanks for reading ^^!

Ask me anything!

Hey dudes I saw lots of friends doing this and strangely I followef the crowd, so this is perhaps your only opportunity where I will be completely honest with you, I will answer it although if it's personal I will PM you, if I don't know you well and it's very personal I may not answer, this is your oportunity to get complete honest out of me & the only limits of questions you have is your imagination, and no more than 15/20 questions each, I don't wanna be sittinf here an entire day answering XD! I lokk forward to your questions, have fun dudes & thanks for reading ^^!

Megaman Zero Problem :(!

Hey dudes, thanks for the welcome back ^^! Anyways a very kind friend lent me Megaman Zero for GBA, I just finished the first mission, and now I have a problem, basically Ciel sais to go talk to her when i'm ready, so I go up to her & press up to talk but nothing happens, it's like the buttons broken but I can talk to anyone else on the gamem has anyone else had this problem? Thanks for reading dudes :D!

I'm back ^^!

Hey dudes after taking a very long. suprising break I am back, your probably all thinking 'What? He's alive?' but I am XD! I don't know how long i'm back for and I might only log on about once a week, i'm not too sure, I can't wait to see all your blogs, I missed you all :(! Remrmber I am on Youtube most of the time ^^! Take care and thanks for reading :D!
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