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2 (or maybe more) things :D!

Hey everyone, I just want to ask people a couple of things :D!

I was wondering if there was anybody who would like to help crreate a 2D side scoller union, I think i'fd be pretty cool, I like 2D much more than 3D and also I wanted to know your opnions on it :D!

I was also hoping that some of you would have Sonic Rush Adventure for the DS because i've become addicted to playing people (I usually win :P) so if there's anybody who wishes to play me i'll give you my FC and then we'll agree on a time to play ect or you can do the F&A (find and ask) meathod where if we're both online one sais to the other "hey,wanna play SRA?" and then you start playing :lol:!

Anyways i've been watching Beyblade again recently in English (because i'm just that cool) and I had a thought that the voice for Kai would suit the voice for Shadow pretty well although it's not too dark, they have have a very similar personality and the personality for Kai is displayed very well though the voice, as is his emotion, it's just a little though I had, what do you guys think?

Thanks for reading dudes :D!

Tagged 2 more times, so here's 10 more facts about me...

Hey dudes I got tagged again by both Celtic and Haga, so here are 10 things you probably don't know about me...

  1. I used to play Pokemon cards long after it was popular, all the time, I even used to go to a club although I don't play it anymore, it bored me.
  2. I have always like Beyblade ever sinse it was first around, I have loads of the toys and 4 DVDs of the anime, which I still watch at times, especailly when I can't find a certain episode of an anime i'm watching.
  3. I got sacred by the recent chain mail below for a day, then I woke up the next day and was fine, so no more worrys, I trusted God would keep me safe even if it was true, I don't know why I believed it for a while, i'm not even supersticious.
  4. I'm addicted to Shandy, I drink it all the time although I should probably cut down as it has a lot of sugar in it.
  5. I love KitKats too, they're awsome, especailly Chunkys!
  6. I don't really like all the games that are suppose to be brilliant, like Halo, GTA, Mario, Zelda and Call Of Duty, i'm, norte into 2D side scrollers, like Rockman (Mega Man) and some others.
  7. I have 2 DS lites and they are both mine, not my Family's, but what's the point in having 2, right? I have 2 good reasons: A button on one of them broke so I needed a new one & So I can play my family when i'm busy, I leand my old DS lite to my family when they want to play games like Brain Training as it doesn't use any buttons.
  8. I wear glasses and have done for more than 3 years, my sight isn't too bad but a lot worse than most others who wear glasses.
  9. I like to dress in Black although I don't have many Blackj clothes yet, I also want to grow my hair long although I can't because of school.
  10. I had a nose bleed for the first time in 2 or 3 years whilst I was typing this, which is strange, I hope I don't get another one!

Please comment on whichever one(s) you like, also I tag DizzyDennis and AsakuraHao2004, sorry dudes, you don't have to do it if you don't want to. If you do i'll look forward to reading it!

Also if anyone would like me to do a blog on my 10 top friends on Gamespot you can ask although I don't really like doing this sort of thing, so I might do, might not.

Thanks for reading :D!

They Hurt Her

They Hurt Her

November 12th, 2007 by rachel

The following tale is copied verbatim from a bulletin that a friend reposted on MySpace last night:

About six years ago in Indiana, Carmen Winstead was pushed down a sewer opening by five girls in her school, trying to embarrass her in front of her school during a fire drill. When she didn't submerge, the police were called. They went down and brought up 17-year-old Carmen Winstead's body, with her neck broken from hitting the ladder, then the concrete at the bottom. The girls told everyone she fell... They believed them.

FACT: About two months later, 16-year-old David Gregory read this post and didn't repost it. When he went to take a shower, he heard laughter, started freaking out, and ran to his computer to repost it. He said goodnight to his mom and went to sleep, but five hours later, his mom woke up in the middle of the night from a loud noise and David was gone. A few hours later, the police found him in the sewer, with a broken neck and the skin on his face peeled off.

Even Google her name - you'll find this to be true.

If you don't repost this saying "They hurt her," then Carmen will get you, either from a sewer, the toilet, the shower, or when you go to sleep, you'll wake up in the sewer, in the dark, then Carmen will come and kill you.

Vacationing back to reality for a moment, I'd like to make it clear that I'm a sucker for scary everything (Stephen King is a god among men in my mind and if you've ever driven by my house on Halloween, you'd think I actually lived in a cemetery), but this is a bit too far fetched, even for me. After reading Carmen's story, the first thing that occurred to me is that this murder happened six years ago, which would have made it in about 2001, but according to Wikipedia, MySpace wasn't founded until August 2003, so why would a murdered girl wait two years to start her chain letter of death?

A few other fallacies about the story wove their way through my mind, and I also wondered why my twenty-something male friend would actually be scared enough to repost, but what intrigued me the most was one particular sentence I read when I went to see what Snopes had to say about this urban legend.

"Its key difference lies in its recommended mode of transmission: rather than imploring recipients to mail (or e-mail) it to others, it requires them to post it on their MySpace pages."

Cheesy chain mail has and will always be the same, but the mode in which it's sent continues to change as technology evolves. When I was a kid, I received them via what we now call "snail mail." Then it moved to e-mail when I hit my teenage years. Now it's slowly moving to social networks.

Anyone else see a trend here? Chain mail has the tendency to move to whatever communications vehicle people are using the most frequently. So, if you're a working professional who really thinks you'll be using e-mail to get your message to others forever, just remember back to only a decade and a half ago when people thought they'd be using a pad of paper and a pen forever, and beware.

Pass it on...

5 things you probably don't know about me...

Hey I got tagged so i'm giving 5 facts about myself, Burnout_Avenged tagged me, here I go... 1.I have Aracnaphobia (fear of spiders and Malisaphobia (fear of wasps/bees). 2. I'm a fan of Bleach (anime) and have lots of Bleach stuff. 3. I'm Christian and have veen for 6 months, I have been seeking after God for 3 or 4 years :)! 4. I can speak a good amount of Spanish as I study it school. 5. I never use my mobile phone. Now Sinse I have to tag someone I choose DizzyDennis, sorry dude :)!

My weekend...

Well, on Saturday I woke up and decided to play Rockman (megaman) Zero 3, which I completed (and am compketing again). I then packed all my stuff, said goodbye to everyone and we were off (me&mum). We listened to Metal the entire way there (long way) and we finally arrived in Clacton (yay). The first thing we did was have lunch in KFC, I had the spicy zinger meal which was nice :)! I had one aim of that day, to leave with another RM Zero game, so we went to game station who didn't have it, so we went to GAME but they didn't have it either, which was a let down. Sinse I was desperate to get the game we went up to Colchester and looked in GAME, Gamestation, Zavvi, Woolworths and HMV, which all didn't have it (even gamestation) which was a big let down, so we went to peacock's and bought some swimming trunks for Sunday. We then went to Sainsbury's and Bought some Shleor to drink and Cabury cream eggs, which was nice and finally we skiped through the park, back to the car and were off again. We the arrived at the caravan site and went to ours, set up all our stuff, I played on Zero 3 some more. A little later we went to the Club House for the owners party, which at first looked like we wouldn't find a seat although Hughe and Frank where there, so we sat with them and had a little chat, we then went to the back room to the 'all you can eat buffet' and I got lots including Garlic Mushrooms, which was great :D! Once we had all finished eating the entertainment came on and it was awsome! There where 2 people doing different acts and lots of comedy. My favourite 2 acts where 1: Elvis, where he rubbed Hughe on his bald patch and 2: Tina Turner, she started bouncing on Hughes, both of them where shouting 'Oh Yes!' which was really funny. We then had a little break to chat ect and next was the dancing, Me&Hughe took turns to dance with my Mum (i'm shocked that they managed to pursuade me to dance o_O! We then had party dances and went home to sleep, it was a pretty fun night..... I then woke up the next morning with an achey neck bacause I slept in the front room. First thing I did once I could be botherd to get up was get dressed and put my swimming trunks on, we both had a cup of tea and then we left to go swimming, we first went to ours but it was closed, so we went to the next site's pool instead, when we where swimming we had a big slash fight, I used my hands to block and send water back, which works well and splash whenever My Mum was open. After that we decided to have swimming races and swim through eachother's legs, which hurt my ears (and nearly my balls lol). I then went to get changed and there weren't any doors on the changing rooms, but there where 2 little chavs, they though I was gay because I know some Japanese, i'd like to know how their brains work o_O lol! We then went to have lunch, which was Mushrooms with an egg&bacon sandwich :D! We lastly drove to the arcades where we went on cranes at first where I won loads of sweets and other stuff (even a rubicks cube :)). After that we got our all our 2ps and found a pusher with loads of prizes and put them in really faster until we won a motorbike :D! We then we and found a Pac man pusher which was loaded which played on for about an hour, we got a rediculous amout of coins added to the slider by getting fruit and got the chain record for the day, which was 5 :D It was really fun :D! (I think i'm old :( lol! We then got back to the Caravan, got packed and headed home, listening to Iron Maiden all the way and got home to find a roast dinner waiting for me :D! How was your weekend and thanks a lot for reading :D!

Away for weekend.

Hey dudes, I'm going away for the weekend and I wont be on, i'll tell you all about it when I get back :D! Have a great weekend and thanks for reading :)!

The PC union!

The PC union is a VERY cool union where you can reveiw, discuss and talk about many different games and most things to do with PCs. Our main focus is PCs but we do cover other consoles as well, it's a very interesting & fun union, the people there are great, so come and join in the fun! If you have any questions just comment or PM me, i'll be looking forward to seeing you there :D! Thanks for reading :)!

One annoying boss, but why is it so fun? SPOILER ALERT & general life stuff.

Iv'e been playing Billy Hatcher and the giant egg recently, which I am really enjoying! I got up to the last boss lost, as I usually do with bosses first time, the lost 5 more times and got game over, by this time I was annoyed but I couldn't get angry because the boss was so cool and so stupidly ironic! I fought the boss, he basically lays down huge, dark, super heated puddles, which you have to make one dissapear by rolling the egg over every inch of it before it regenirates, which is cool, then you attack the boss, after you attack him he shoots fast homing things at you, which you dodge and the process repeats laying down more puddles each time, causing you to think faster, making the action more and more intense! Then once you beat him he comes back, this is where the real action begins, he uses the power of the giant egg tj turn into a huge dark raven and he knocks your Chicken suit off you but you rise up, hear a voice, telling you to be couragous ect, this is where having lots of courage emblems really come in handy! Billy, the boy in the chicken suit starts epically glowing with courage (so ironic XD)! This is where I need someone's help! What you need to do is catch the egg-like balls of pure darkness by pressing B and then using your courage to turn them into pure light to kick butt, but my problem is catching them, I press B but they just fly at me and hit me, does anyone have any hints/tips? On another note I have been doing OK lately, i'm doing well in school, I just got moved up in Maths :D! Iv'e also been getting into Bleach, it's fantastic, emotional and the action is stunning! I have also recently decided to put the Megaman series in the place of the Sonic series as my favourite, it's much more challenging, the gamplay is fantastic, the boss battles provoke skill and stratergy, the Zero games are amazingly fun and the battle network games are interesting and addictive, the only complaint I have hs that the main platformers are too short although the RPG style games are longer than most other RPG games :D! I suggest giving it a look! Don't get me wrong I still love Sonic and it's very fun but I like some challange as well as speed :D! How have you all been? Thanks very much for reading :D!


I earned my first emblem :D! I noticed it earlier, it's 'love thy nebough' it's funnt, I suggest reading it :D! Yay, iv'e hardly got as many as some freinds but i'm proud of what iv'e earned :)!

I went ice skating!!!

I never thought i'd go ice skating again, the first time I went I was clinging on to the barriers, trying to skate and falling over every 5 seconds, end result, lots of bruises and wet clothes :(! Yesterday I decided to go again for a second time and WOW I could actually ice skate :D, it wasn't that fast but it seemed quite fast at times and it sure was fun :D!!! I only fell over once, it's quite difficult to keep your balance but if you just don't think about it you wont fall over, I got quite good by the end of the day, i/m really pleased with myself :D, I only fell over once lol! The only downside of the day was that I was really worn out and that my feet hurt but it was worth it :D!!! I'm gonna go again, if I practice i'll get better :)! Have any of you been ice skating? Does anyone have MSN? It'll be great to talk to you on it :D!
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