had game freeze on me 1nce
yohomes' forum posts
learn to ethernet cable
i am thinking of buying a controller off of amazon.com because its cheaper than gamestop, but im wandering if this will come in plastic packaging like the ones u normally get at a store?
sue them
i played the first one at a friends house and we laughed so hard while playing the 1st level over how bad it was
1. Keys on a keyring so I don't have to spend a minute and a half scrolling through them.
2. Not just one section of the map availible. All of it.
3. Eliminating glitches that get me stuck between rocks and I have to reload my save.
4. A follow up to the Dark Brotherhood.
5. More moral choices like in Fallout 3 and Mass Effect.
6. No online. Just 2-4 player co-op.
7. A good third person view.
8. Make your character talk for god's sake.
9. A faithful companion (pet) like in fallout 3.
10. Maybe own a boat.
11. Allow us to directly charge items without a soul gem
12. Better run/walk animations so I can't moonwalk better than Micheal Jackson.
13. Better facial animation
14. Wider variety of voice actors
15. No leveling system
16. More Sheogorath
17. More variation of caves
18. Different types of quest instead of kill x talk to y
19. Epic battles
20. Maybe have more Guilds such as...highway man?
21. Maybe give professions that can help with classes.
22. No dying > start at save, maybe have a healer? or someone who will go with you and revive you?
23. Boss Fights
24. More stuff to steal
25. Cheaper DLC
wtf is a 56k
LOL..... sig worthy!..... or *looks at own username* username worthy?
On Topic.... Dragon Age looks fricken amazing.... can't wait to dive into it.
fight mewait for the GOTY edition
Wow, I haven't seen this argument on SW before. :roll: I'll give the same answer as I usually do. How much does it cost to PLAY a current gen game on the 360? $199. How much does it cost to play a current gen game on the PS3? $399. Case closed. And didn't you create a similar thread earlier claiming "facts", with the same disclaimer on top? No offense, but if you owned a 360, then what was your GT?Eddie5vs1how much does it cost to replace a xbox once it breaks another 200. also ps3 comes with 2 games so its more like 320 to play two games on 360 compared to ps3's 400 and psn is free i shouldve saved my money for ps3 cause now it is the better buy cause xbl is so expensive with game addons and xboxlive
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