i would say male, i am way too sensitive, i think male cannot be ok without a female, whereas the female would be ok, i know this would depend invidiualy but what i am referring to is about something like love broken or marriage failure's aftermath.
female may be more sensitive and emotional in other terms but i think in the female and male relationship its the male.:roll: those females are too strong mentally.
then again i think i may be wrong here, cause i am but still a pure with no girlfriend or even in good conversations with one.
playing games, i am sure this october when i will finaly have a ps2 i will be the most happiest gamer. its been ten years or more, last console was a genesis.
i plain attack them, but i like when my equipment is status inflicting too, like a sleep sword, so even if the enemy is killed by the attack if gets sleep effect in the end, so he dies in sleep, other than that i like overkill, powerleveling that is, and lastly the status impact of magic, like in fft a archer shoots an enemy with his thunder bow, so even if the attack was good enough to kill the enemy there is a lighting thunder to add more damage, fatality, i also like critical hit finish.
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