I laugh everytime a God of War 3 screen is posted up and some people instantly scream "Bull Shot" because they resist to believe that the PS3 can shell out graphics with 16xAA equivalent, something we have yet to see on other consoles. Well let me tell those folks that not only does the gameplay look exactly like the screens posted, but it looks way better in motion. Here's a video as proof that this game is console graphics k**g for the time being,and yes it looks better than Uncharted 2.
If you watch the video, you'd notice that it looks exactly like the screens, but in motion. Now the same people are calling Killzone 3 screens bullshot. Do they not realize that it's using the same MLAA technique in God of War 3? It's amazing what Sony first party devs can push with the PS3 and God of War 3 is only the beginning. Reminder, "Console" is the key word in this thread.
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