At least Game Informer breaks games down honestly and fairly but IGN and Gamespot reviews are totally biased.
I've been saying this for so long. I never even bother reading the Gamespot reviews, Game Informer is the only major review source that actually does a fair and balanced review.
Does your 360 have an HDMI port? If so you are better off just getting the HDD. Your warranty will last longer and the chances of it breaking are probably lower.
I love how you can't respond to any of my arguments all you can do is try to insult me. Having the ability to think about things in a logical manner does not in any way qualify me as a fan boy.
The abbreviation for hard drive is HDD not hd. Also Microsoft doesn't force you to do anything. Up until recently they actually did not even allow any games to require the HDD. Obviously an expansion for a game is going to need to be installed.
Then it gets worse, you figure out you can connect standard usb hard drives (external/fashl) and you can transfer files onto them so why the **** can't you just connect a external hd and use that to save games/updates/etc.
So apparently it is a bad thing that Microsoft added a feature that allowed you to hook up external storage devices to your 360? It would not make business sense to allow people to use their own HDD's to store game files on, not to mention the lack of a uniformity if you have millions of different people using different storage devices from different manufacturers and formats. Also that would make DRM and security on the 360 almost impossible to maintain.
If you ask me M$oft needs to be sued again for monopoloy as there are no 3rd party accessories (hds/memory units)
Good thing no one did. How are smart business practices a basis for an anti-trust lawsuit?
Anyways I have these games:
Oblivion (GOTY)
Mass Effect
Prince of Persia
Fall Out 3
what are some other good single player?
Also i'd like some recommendations for some good multiplayer games that DONT require LIVE or Specific Controllers (guitar/mic/drums/dance pads)
Anyways, The Darkness is an excellent single player game. So are Dead Rising, Lost Odyssey, and Assassions Creed.
who calls anybody a "noob" thats probably the most geekiest thing I have ever heard, and an opinion can't be wrong, Even i disagree with the users statement since my opinion is that GS and GZ rip you off, but thats just My Opinion.TheBeast789
I didn't call anyone a noob, and "most geekiest", really? An opinion can infact be wrong. Some people hol th e opinion that dinosaurs never lived, that their bones were placed in the ground to "test our faith". Those people's opinions are wrong. His opinion is that you can get games for cheaper at GameStop than on Ebay. That is false. You can always get games for cheaper on Ebay, otherwise there would be no point for the existance of Ebay and no one would ever buy anything there.
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