freddie mercury on every level.
z4twenny's forum posts
we are all a bit racist, unfortunately, its almost genetic right now. But, it is getting better.
My biggest problem right now is not minorities (is that even a PC term any more?), but minorities perpetuating stereotypes: the black man trying to be gangster, the white man being a yuppie or hillbilly, the hispanic driving a 400 dollar car with 2000 dollar wheels, etc.
That is the biggest obstacle in getting rid of racism.
everytime i see something like that i always think "you're not really helping the cause here" although i realize that y'know the enviroment and people you grow up around affect how you percieve the world and also people generally adapt to situations to survive. if that means someone in the hood grows up acting a bit hood to make it through then thats what you do. if you grow up on a farm and raise livestock or tend crops then that would lend itself to your life experiences and perspective as well. but i still laugh a little.
i've had excess and i've had excess taxed at an excessive rate because of the amount. i'm ok with that for anybody who banks a ridiculous amount of money and by comparison and even then what i've had is a laughable to some out there.
im ok with that. personally i don't consider myself racist but i've known a lot of people from many different cultures and ethnicities who were racist so i assume it's just a case of everyone assuming their own race is superior. like someone above me said, stats speak for themselves on all races. all that being said, i can still laugh at a good stereotyping joke, i can take a joke too though.... i think people take life a little too seriously sometimes.
Too many idiots in here. It really depends on the strain. Many indica strains promote mega munchies and may cause you to feel couch-locked. Many use it for pain relief and anxiety. There's a numbness to it. If you smoke sativa, you'll have an energetic mind-high and won't feel lazy at all. In fact, you'll actually want to do things.
This is what's up! I think most people that have never smoked consistently associate weed with that first time they tried it and got REAAAAAALLLY high and assume that's what it's always like for everyone when it's usually more along the lines of a good beer buzz at best.
I personally know tons of smokers who wake up, go to work, put there 8 or more hours in and go home and smoke a little bit. Bills get paid on time, laundry gets folded, dishes get done. Usually the most damage done is to a bag of chips and some snack cakes, which of course warrants it being a jailable offense.
i was born and raised in the DFW area and my entire life Dallas has been terrible. Nothing good comes from there, to the dude from LA try moving to a suburb of Dallas (like Plano) or just move to Fort Worth or one of it's many suburbs.
Hopefully they do get a couple of strong titles other than Infamous and Killzone to support system sellers. Like an Exclusive Final Fantasy thats not crap. lolYoung_Charter
it's been quite a while since that's happened.
they were both kings of their time. that being said i still find myself going back to play old snes games like the final fantasy series, super mario world, super contra & castlevania 4.
[QUOTE="Johacamigames"]Dumb question but can anyone explain to me what this "4K" is?GeneralMufinMan
It's slated to be the next level of resoltuion for televisions (HD was 720p, Full HD was 1080p, 4k is 3840 x 2160 or 2160p) bascially, we're looking for the ps4 to take advantage of the enxt generation of televisions now, instead of playing catch-up later.
the problem is that we just got done convincing people they needed hd tv's (hell i still know some people with old crt tv's) knowing how much i spent on the ridiculous tv in my living room i'm not considering spending that much again really an option for at least 6-7 years.
killzone 2/3
street fighter (ssf4, ssf2 hd turbo remix, sfa 3)
mortal kombat
metal gear solid 4
gran turismo 5
dark souls / demons souls
uncharted series
valkyria chronicles
heavy rain
3d dot heroes
heavenly sword
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