i always had bigger ideas than the memory card would allow
z4twenny's forum posts
gt5 i wish there were more games like it.
How about hidden bullsheeiit games? you know, all those who are overrated and are actually sheeiit. All COD games for example...
i thought lords of shadow fit this pretty well. i wasn't real impressed with ff13 / 13-2 either.
"the unforgiven" made me realize music didn't have to suck, master of puppets made me think anything was possible.
you could try:
clive barkers they, book of blood, midnight meat train, dale and tucker vs evil (more comedy horror like sean of the dead), cthulhu (2007), 3 extremes, event horizon, the hellraiser series (though the first two are assuredly the best) triangle, house of a thousand corpses, the devils rejects, the exorcism of emily rose
i just got done playing this a little while ago and i was thinking the exact same thing as the TS. I've not played any of the Mass Effect games but i heard they were good. so far the combat has been pretty struggling, a bit more "regroup, heal and attack" than i expected. lots of one shot kills too, dumb partner ai, enemies making shots across the map. the parts that work right are pretty fun & you get the idea of what they were going for but the rest is kinda subpar, i hope i finish it soon so i can move on to me2 and 3.
You can still put out new technology at a fair price. Every console generation before this one had consoles launching at $200 to $300. What did Blu Ray really do for games. All it did was make big games fit onto one disc. Sure, there might be some audio quality differences, but gaming systems do not need to cost $400 to $600. The software prices for games went up from $50 to $60. We do not need another powerhouse console. We do need software prices to jump anothe $10. Paying $70 a games is almost insane, No one has seen a price for a game that high since the N64. What is making a new powerhouse console going to do? Not a whole lot. Developers are going multiplatform and beyond with a lot of their games. Third party exclusives are becoming more rare as time goes by. Why make a console that most developers outside of first party studios are not going to take full advantage of? Hopefully Sony will look into hardware that both first and third party studios can agree on. The same with other console makers. PS3 suffered the first year because no one knew how to use it. Sony has the chance to make the PS4 easily accessible for developers. I would rather have a lot of developers on board making games on a system that is modestly stronger than PS3 than have a few devlopers make something for a console that is completely out there. I am choosing software over hardware. I do not see why the PS4 cannot a good bit more graphically powerful with a lot of ram. Sony has a network service now with PS Plus. What more can anyone ask for?
- blu ray made larger games possible, 1 disc vs 2-3 discs also higher possible textures and audio files. thats graphics and sound, the core of most mega blockbuster games.
- games have been $59.99 where i live since the nes days, cheaper games are $49.99 and the "special" games are $69.99. as for older games not costing that much i can name final fantasy, dragon quest 2, 3 & 4 in addition to final fantasy 3 (VI in japan) phantasy star 4, star fox and a host of other games all came out before even the ps1 and cost $70.00. high demand A list games like smb3, x-men for the genesis & TMNT the arcade game were $60 at release.
some noob advice:
1) buy a tuner, use i every time you play. in the beginning check your tuning every 20-30 minutes. after a month or 2 of playing your ears should naturally adjust enough to be able to tell when its really out of tune (it might take longer, don't sweat it) and you can start just tuning it as needed
2) spend another $40 and get it professionally set up and intoned. alot of cheapie guitars have the strings set really high and often with thick gauge strings that make it hard for beginners to enjoy playing. i've heard so many "oh my god my fingertips hurt SOOOO bad" that could've been avoided
3) take it slow - you wanna be awesome at your instrument you have to learn how to play it right. theres a lot of things involved in proper playing (that a lot of guitarists don't do) do these things and it will increase your proficiency exponentially. check out classically trained guitarists for ideas on posture, fingerboard placement / position & relative hand positions.
if you have any questions or anything IM me.
here's my awesome music:
rofl Metal groups say way worse stuff.
i listen to a lot of metal and none of it encourages killing people based on their regional location
here's a thought.. i get to put whatever i want into my body, be it alcohol, tobacco, pot, piercings or whatever as long as it doesn't negatively affect those around me because i should have the right to say what does and doesn't occur to my body which is my property, not yours.
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