Doubt it'll turn into MvC3's level of "basic" and the so-called "new" V-system seems to be similar to the mechanics of other existing fighters. Veterans of fighting games in general should be able to grasp these concepts easily and new players would still need to "git gud" to stay relevant in online matches.
If Nomura killed off the characters in the remake (Which is more likely than not), it would be the final nail in the coffin.Unless the developers managed to somehow stretch out the story arc of Midgar > Infamous snake swamp into the size of a full game, I don't see how an episodic game would work out even at a lower price - it's going to be very disconnected and disorienting to play through.
@Bread_or_Decide: 'Cuz unlocking stuff in old games was never a chore. On a more serious note - unless it's a case of "Beating the game on the hardest difficulty 10 times in a row", there's really nothing to complain about.
@walidras: - "Never should have argued with ignorant people" Pot. Kettle. Black.
- "you mister "i know so much about the markting of japan"" Coming from a guy that made an entire chain of ignorant crap - that's rich.
- "you dont know shit" I know what a "shit" is. It's an excretion of waste and undigested food from a biological, living being. Meanwhile you wouldn't know your left from your right even if someone drilled a dictionary into your head.
Lmao, I'm done here - butthurt kids are only capable of tantrums and ceaseless whining.
Why release a Yakuza game on a Microsoft console if you're not even going to localize it?
Furthermore, companies always tends to aim for the local and neighbouring demographics first - that's particularly true for Japanese companies. (in general)
Which returns to the point that Sony and even Nintendo having a much larger presence / influence in the Asian gaming market and considering the fact that their consoles are doing well even in the Americas / Europe / Aussie... it's a 1+1 business concept.
Which ALSO returns to the point of Japanese companies testing the PC market out with their Steam releases.
You're grasping at straws, not making a "point" - though it would certainly be nice if all games are accessible to all forms of gamers in the near future.
"Look at Konami, MGS games were ALL Playstation until they opened ther eyes and saw that there are other platforms which wil help them with salles. Other japanese devs need to do the same. Thats all iam saying. And you make a big deal out of it."
Gee, some of the Castlevania games must be made by some other imaginary company.
Also - using Konami is a piss poor example.
Just to add on - nice job editing out bits of your ignorance in previous comments.
@walidras: "Dude where did i mention that they need to make PC exclusive titles only? Learn to read yourself or atleast try to understand what you read." Understanding what you type is a feat in itself. Furthermore, you're being inconsistent - at first you claim that the Japanese gaming industry should broaden it's perspectives then you went and brushed off the PC ports of Steam. (FYI - quite a number of the PC ports were Sony exclusives)
"I was talking about brining games to multiplat which will sell in neibourhing counrtys pretty wel." Clearly didn't read my previous points.
"Japanese Devs must not MOST of the time release ONLY for PS4 but for other platforms like WII U XBOX or PC." Gee, I didn't know Samus was made by the Martians (No pun intended) Also - correction, Japanese developers tends to release exclusives on Sony and Nintendo consoles. Guess what? There are exclusives for Microsoft as well made by western developers.
z827's comments