I would of made the security guy call the cops. Honestly I don't care what you wrote it's chalk. The security guard was just going on a power trip, and it would of been funny to see the cops show up with that "why is this dumb ass security guard wasting our time look on there face".
It would of been tough to actually convict you since there is no damage to the property, they would of had to go with the intentional defacement charge which in this case would of been tough to prove. It's not clear cut vandalism and it's such a minor thing I doubt there's any cases defining chalk writting as vandalism.
funny you mention power trip. that's the same thing the guy said that let us use his hose to wash off the chalk. i actually considered letting her call the cops but i had a baseball game i had to get to. i think the cops would've just told me it was technically vandalism, laugh a little bit about it, and nicely ask me to wash it off. and i wouldve been very nice and cooperative with them and i wouldve explained it was part of a scavenger hunt.
the ironic thing is, my baseball coach and rifle coach this year are both cops for the township this occured in, lol
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