i bought my unit at launch and it got the ring of death 3 weeks ago or so im debating about sending it in or throwing some cash with it and buying the xbox elite when it comes out later in the month. or maby i'll just play sega saturnĀ like i have beenĀ
i own a 360 ps3 + the wiiĀ when i bought my wii i thought it sucked [over a year of next gen gaming] but then i bought tiger woods and now i couldnt be happier so i recomend it i originally purchased the unit for just the VC but be very selective of the games u choose many suckĀ zelda tiger woodsĀ trauma center=goodĀ Ā Ā Ā Ā most others bad
people seem too forget the 360 had a pretty rough start too i hardly used mine the first month till DOA4 then after that i took a break till oblivion it takes time for units too become successful and have quality games p.s. i own a 360 with the hddvd add on and the ps3s price didnt bother me if anything gamestop game a $100 for my ps2 when i traded it in on a ps3 so the ps3 only cost me 500 thats cheaper than my 360+add on but i do hope they hurry with the good games im currently playing gundam crossfire on ps3
its been 8 dayz since the ps store released anything and the 360 demo is the demo all of the original screenshots came from its atleast a few months old and not that impressive anyways im mildly disappointed
depends if u mean now or in the futureĀ if u mean now then i give the nod to the original xbox by leaps and boundsĀ if u mean in the future then i would say the wii most likely
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