You're all banned for playing forums games. Merry Christmas :P
zanelli's forum posts
I'll post my library here soon, when I've got a bit more time. Maybe tomorrow.
I'm in the 600+ games club, so there's a good chance I'll have quite a few games that every one has.
@behardy24: So sort of like how a book club would operate, only with games? I like the idea, and I would certainly be up for giving it a shot.
I have a reasonable steam library, with quite a backlog of games I haven't even touched. So I'm sure there'll be something in there.
I've started on my backlog, but I might pick something up during the sale. I can never help myself.
I keep forgetting that certain games actually came out this year, and there's still a lot I want to play, but haven't gotten around to picking up or installing.
Out of what I have played, I'd say my top 5, in no particular order are:
Men of War Assault Squad II - Probably the best RTS released this year.
Star Trek Online: Delta Rising - They added enough to draw me back in again.
Planetary Annihilation - Yes I know, it's not as good as SupCom(1 or 2), I still really enjoy it.
ArcheAge - While I only played during the beta, I played a lot of it. It is certainly a game I will be going back to, when I can be bothered to level again.
Hearthstone - It's casual MTG, what's not to like.
If I had to just pick one of these, it'd probably be Men of War Assault Squad II.
A honourable mention goes to Heroes & Generals; while this game isn't out yet, I've had quite a bit of fun playing this with a couple of friends.
I really like that trailer, it reminds me of the epic scale of the B-R5RB video.
I really enjoyed my time playing EVE when I tried it, but I never really got into the PVP side of the game. I don't really have the time now to justify paying a subscription, or to play and get a plex each month.
@lostrib: It maybe back, but don't ask us where we keep our copies of Big Rigs. All I can say is that they're safe.
All I want to do this time of year is sleep *yawns*
Please don't spam referral links please. --Locked--
What am I doing here again... Welp back to work.
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