Ok lot's of news made this year at E3 about Sony's move and 3D gaming. My question is do you think Sony will make 3D gaming a requirement as in cretin games will only be able to be played on 3D TV's. Or that of not played on a 3D TV wont look as good. I have drop a lot of cash on a HD TV I honestly do not want the next requirement to be able to fully enjoy the PS3 to be having to drop more cash on a 3D TV. As far as move is concerned I have a strong feeling almost to say I guarantee it will be a big part of the new MGS game being released. Also anyone think that move will slowly become a requirement to replace the normal control. Now for games like the new MGS game I do not mind I think it will just rock there but I would hate to see it take over. Ok im done talking and asking time to post and I look forward to seeing the thoughts and answers on my words.
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