@King_Wii: You don't consider that where once there was a Battlefield community there are now three non-overlapping fragments of that community at all impactful? Just me then.
I'm not attempting to demean consoles at all. Some of the best driving games I ever played were on console: V-Rally, Gran Turismo, et al. Not to mention all the awesome platformers, etc.
It's certainly apparent, however, that since FPSes appeared across the formats quality is no longer at a premium. As if millions of voices suddenly cried out in terror, etc...
@virtuasega: Don't bother. It's all just ad hominem & strawman BS couched in hipster-douche speak. Ironic really, when he's patently the exact type of twot he's attempting to berate.
@xxhypnotix420xx: Active? Hyperactive, more like. If all you see is "I hate Star Wars" or "I suck at this game", it's hardly surprising all of your posts have been blinkered fanboi-type guff. This isn't a patch on /any/ of the games from /either/ of the franchises. Judging by your moniker, your posts & their compositional "style", you're simply not old (i.e. mature) enough to have experienced them.
@Jew1: Cancelled mine too, but this doesn't come close to deserving either the Battlefront /or/ Battlefield name. Battlefield at least has substance. This is simply pew-pew-shiny-pew for the ADHD generation.
@gerhardpious: Whie I agree with everything you say, it's hardly the worst aspect of this hot mess of a game. It's obviously built from the ground up for ADHD-affected console users.
I'm sure EA:SW:BF will sell like gangbusters on the consoles, but I've just cancelled my PC preorder after playing this dumbed-down garbage.
As a fan of both SW (saw all the original trilogy in the cinema on initial release) & Battlefield (been playing since BF1942), I am /massively/ disappointed with this offering. I blame the 'consolification' of first-person shooters that started with the middle-era CODs. Having a PC FPS split across multiple, non-cross-platform formats has simply fragmented the classic BF community. Now there's no PTFO, no strategy; just moronic Rambos running about - dying & spawning all over the place. The worst thing DiCE ever did was sell-out to EA.
EA:SW:BF? No server browser, No VoIP, No squads, No prone, No etc, etc.
zarathustra2k1's comments