Looks like garbage, honestly. I hate the Assassin's Creed series as well.
Zaraxius' forum posts
95% of the games I play through are one-timers. What about you all?
I am beginning to think this might be the reason why we aren't seeing Dark Souls II on next gen consoles. Maybe From Software has gone into an agreement with Sony to release Demon's Souls II on the PS4 followed by Dark Souls III a year or two after that. It would give them time to practice on next gen hardware before releasing their main title while Sony gets a highly rated exclusive. Win-win for both sides.
Not to mention Demon's Souls was a joint effort with Japan studio.. You know the guys that aren't making the last guardian.. I bet it's already in the pipe. Trailer and gameplay coming e3
Three months after the release of Dark Souls II? ...I hope so. I can't get enough of the series. I'll take all I can get.
Industry insider hints at Demon's Souls 2 for the PlayStation 4.
Sony has made sequels to less successful games, so I don't think it's too unlikely for this to happen. However, I would think it makes more sense to put it on the PlayStation Vita. I guess we'll see. What I really want to know though, is if From Software will be involved in the development.
I don't think you know what that word means.
What's your least favorite game you've played and beaten, both for the seventh generation and of all time. Make as many categories as you want.
Worst seventh generation game I've beaten- Wonderbook: Book of Spells (PlayStation 3)
Worst seventh generation game I've played- fl0w (PlayStation 3)
I can't think of anything before the seventh generation. I played a lot more awful games back then though since I used to rent games based on the boxart and explanation on the back.
What about you guys?
If I recall correctly, Half Life 2 has cinematic standing. Playing through that game was a chore.
[quote]The PC Master Race Speaks.[/quote]
"MOM! More Cheatos and Mountain Dew!"
Yeah, I know. I don't even know how I screwed that up. Even Firefox was telling me it was wrong.
[quote]The PC Master Race Speaks.[/quote]
"MOM! More Cheatos and Mountain Dew!"
That game was garbage. I guarantee its biggest fans all wear fedoras and trenchcoats.
It's not an "experience," it's just a shitty game. One of the worst I have ever played. fl0w was worse though.
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