lately i have been thinking about the late michael jackson. despite me believing he was an extremely talented singer why was he mixed up with the nation of islam? was he wearing armbands at his 2003 court trial on child abuse charges saying anything in support of the nation of islam or jews? i don't get it?
what was with the face masks he wore? why was pretty much his only friend elizabeth taylor? was there a zionist conspiracy against the entire family?
there couldbe still some unanswered questions to do with michael jackson and the rest of his family that i would like some answers to here. :|
he is the editor of x-box magazine australia and he has just taken over editing the magazine from tristan ogilve. if you are lucky you might getyour message in an issue!
i have played the first just cause on the ps2 and i was overwhelmed by the enormity of the island where you are suppost to start a revolution. in that game his legs moved like stilts, it looked stupid. that is why i did not wind up completing the game.
leisuresuit larry: box office bust. the game got trash reviews from all the popular gamingsites except team x-box. many users on this site gave the game a higher score than the 2.5 it received.
it had been alleged that reviewers were paid to give that game bad reviews.
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