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zdmetal2101 Blog

Summer, Goal, and other crap

Well its finally summer and I have lots of time to game as you may have noticed I have not been on Gamespot hardly at all, well I am trying to make myself like this place again but its kinda hard its just kinda boring now but maybe again I will be super active but as of right now I am going to be on here very casually I guess you could say.

About that goal I did reach it on time actually I got it that very day. Thank you PGR3 and Forza 2. Speaking of Forza that game is the "poopy" go get it now it makes the demo look like crap. I am freakin addicted as hell to the auction house.

Well I am gonna get a job so I can buy a bunch of budget titles for 360 and having a job will keep me off of here even more but I will try to stay and if I do officially leave I will tell you.


I'm sorry for the inactivity.

I can't get on the pc as much lately because my mother is taking these online training courses for work plus I just got Halo 2 and PGR3 and I have been playing those along with GRAW2 and Crackdown a lot. So to all union leaders thing should be back to normal as of now. I should be commenting on blogs and posting in the unions regularly. PS PGR3=Best 20 bucks ever spent.

I have also set a goal for myself, I want to have 10,000 gamerpoints by June 4. With Forza 2 out May 29th it should go smoothly.

Finally I get something before everyone else.

Well for a quick blog entry here I picked up the new Megadeth cd along with Rush, Type O Negative, and Finger Eleven. Well anyways the Megadeth cd wasn't supposed to come out until today but the idiots at walmart put it on the shelves on saturday so I got it a few days earlier.

In other news in my adventures in PS2land I have been playing a lot of Gran Turismo 4 and its really good to play a PS2 game again i don't know there is just something about going back and playing it. But I have a Lancer and I am kickin all kinds of ass! I never finished God of War by the way thats why I never wrote a review for it but oh well.

My 360 died at the worst possible time! Union? (again)

1. The Halo 3 Beta is coming out on the 16th I believe and I am probably gonna miss 1-2 weeks of that.

2. The Forza 2 demo is out and I wanna play it real bad!

3. The dashboard update came out and I wanna mess with it and see it real bad!

4. The new Crackdown Downloadable content came out.

5. And dammit I just wanna play a freakin game!

Also I might be promoted to leader in one of my unions and if I do get promoted I am going to turn it into the Live Store Channel (yea I know I said I was gonna but I didn't but this is too hard to pass up). So the same people that were gonna be charter members will automatically be officers also there will still be spots left for officer so yeah. Oh I haven't completely sold my self on the name so once again any name suggestions?

I will NOT be creating a union!

Just so you all know I won't be creating the Live Store Channel (thats what I was gonna call it). So for all of you who were gonna be members sorry to dissapoint you (you probably don't even care). The main reason I am not creating it is because basically nobody would join it would just flop like 90 percent of all the unions on here. Instead I will be helping a friend bring a union back from the DEAD! So if you got an invite to the Gamespot Player's Lounge it was from me so accept if you'd like. Thats it for now.

I am making a union and looking for charter members!

It is gonna be about the XBL Marketplace, the PS Store, and the Wii Shop Channel. So if you want in I will consider all and pick who will best suit the part it is not first come first serve. Also I am open to all names I still can't decide on one. There are 3 charter member spots left one has been filled by SoralinkGS. Only apply if you are serious about helping and creating topics and helping with the updates occasionally. I am going to need extra help in the PS Store and The Wii Shop Channel because I dont own either of the systems yet. And if you are not chosen you can probably still be an officer because I want to have a lot of officers!

Yo! Check this out.

Well its nothing big but I had to make the title catchyish because if I would have said new reviews no one would have looked. So like I said I wrote some new reviews since I have nothing to do now so here they are and please reccomend or not reccomend each one. Thanks in advance if you do and to hell with ya if you don't. :) Well I am off to play God of War and hopefully complete it! Good night.

Sorry but GOW is overrated

It is pretty good but I just don't understand what is so great about it. The only thing to really rave about is the gameplay like those mini-game combos. I have only played it for about an hour though. Does it get better as you go? Did anyone else think it was overrated? Nascar 07 on the other hand is almost identical to 06 except in 07 it actually feels like the car is going fast because of the blur. Still very fun though. It is pretty weird playing games just for the sake of playing the game and not being a little achievement whore which is good cause the achievement thing starts to get old after a while. I am actually considering selling my 360 when I get it back and getting a PS3 but that probably won't happen I will just save up for one. Thats it 4 now.

Entering the 20th level also going insane!

Well I have entered the much hated level 20 which sucks because I like leveling up every week or so and I hear 20 takes months to get out of. So entering 21 will be a good day.

Now about the going insane thing...I have not played a game in 4 days and I have pretty much been on the computer the whole time and I was thinking of renting a couple of PS2 games to keep me alive this weekend so my question is what are some good PS2 games out now that are actually worth playing. I was thinking God of War 2 or Okami or Bully or something like that, but just tell me some other good ones plz! I went back and played Def Jam FFNY and Nascar 06 last night and it was weird as hell how crappy the graphics were but I still had some fun spinning out Tony Stewart and Kurt Busch and Beating the piss out of Sean Paul. Well thats it for today.