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zeforgotten Blog

Yet Again

it's that time of the week. and the European Playstation Store gets yet another crappy update.


if i wanted to play old games like what they put out on the store this time, i would dig them out of the closet. BUT I DONT WANT TO! how about giving us something we want for a change? last week we got a Harry Potter Emo...erhm..Demo.. and this time we get something even MORE worthless. how can that be? when are they going to learn to give people something they want?

you know what it is.. IT'S CRAP! all around crap... (but atleast it's free) .. not it's not ? :S how can 3 downloadable games be free you idiots? would you wake up for wonderland and smell the toxic air you retards.

At least there's still one good thing about the PS Store.. im not forced to go in there, and it's still Blue.

/end rant

oh and. just so you know. Masterchief still dies. and it's been said "yeah, we're sorry for the leaked ending. and that the death of the "hero" has been shown" ...

DOES THIS MEAN THE END OF IDIOCY?.. i mean.. Fanboyism?

Getting Weird

Okay.. here's the thing.

i spend almost all my time on the PS3 forums (or did) because some of the guys there actually seems like good people.

But who am i to trust internet guys. lol.. was i fooled.

As of this writing moment, it is clear. that people on the PS3 forums can't take a joke. and they get a hissyfit like i insultet them or called them fat (you know, like thet girls do). HAVE TO FORUMS GONE FROM OK TO LOUSY?!.. people have become picky on gamespot after a little while. and im just wondering.. What The Hell Happend?!.. did they sit on a fork by accident and it got crammed up some place, and.. they liked it? and that scares them. is that the reason they act like .. stupid idiots.. (sorry, they do)

im getting complains at from all sides. lol. even me (alot of people who knows me, knows im one of the biggest MGS fans ever. if not. come visit me and i'll prove it) is getting blamed. of not knowin the story of a MGS game.. ALL BECAUSE some random-person-i-dont-wanna-name-here-but-dont-give-a-rats-butt-about can't take a joke? .. has to forum suddenly reached the bottom by letting too many 5 year old crying babies in?.. i guess that what the internet is for then. an easy way for the parents to say "get out of my life you child-supposed-to-be-a-sperm-on-the-sheet..

AGAIN! IM JOKING! just had to say it :P lol

oh well /end rant


Master Chief dies.. and also get's help from a covenant

PC Specs

I was just wondering what your PC specs are. What is it that makes YOUR pc any good? Do you think you future-safe? let's find out. Post a comment with your specs. kinda like i'm doing

My specs:

Processor: Intel(R) Pentium(R) Core 2 Duo CPU 3.90GHz
Memory: 4 GB DDR2 ram
Hard Drive: 3x 500 GB
Video Card: Nvidia GeForce 8800GTX
Monitor: Some old and dusty one.
Sound Card: Realtek HD Audio output
Speakers: Medion 5.1 Surround Sound
Keyboard: Logitech G15 Gaming Keyboard
Mouse: G5 Gaming mouse (wired)
Mouse Surface: Hama Akryl mousepad...something.. (with blue led)

Best quote ever

I just wanted to share it. lol. (plus, im bored)

This is life, the one you get, so go and have a ball because the world don't move to the beat of just one drum. What might be right for you, may not be right for some. You take the good, you take the bad you take them both, and there you have my opening statement. Sit, Ubu, sit. Good dog.

~Peter Griffin~


Now people has been saying "dude! i love your sig" and stuff. and alot of people wanna know wtf they are talking about. so yeah. lol

That's the one i used or use for sig (dunno, Gamespot seems to change between them. lol)

Sstupid People!

Don't mind the title,I was just craving for attetion :P lol

So what have i been doing lately?. well if you really care (wich of course you don't because you're all High-and-mighty like the rest of the internet-jerks feeling like the god of all (including myself. butI AM the god. so yeah). I've been doing nothing. mostly played Lord Of The Rings Online (still beats WoW in my opinion, and now. Wow has gotten another patch that the worshippers are gonna pay for believing it's an expansion.. morons. lol)

Anyway,I don't know if this is just me or if it's happening all over. but my summer is boooring, no games coming out 'till later (Bioshock. 15 days! WUW! here in Denmark that is. dunno about everywhere else, and frankly my dear,I dont give a damn)... But other than that, the summer is always boring when it comes to games. sure there are some tiny non-important-crappy-retarded games coming out, but who needs them? we want the big namedgames right? HELL YEAHWE DO!. but! we cant. 'cause they keeppushing the release date on all the big named games. Feel's just likea thing Jesus would do.walk around and all of a sudden a blind man walks by and goes "please, i beg of you, make me see" .. and Jesus does that and goes "there you go my good man. cast your sight on the city and the sunset" .. and the blind man is all happy and stuff. and then "well, your time's up" and he takes the sightaway from the blind man again and says "now wasn't that just a blast?" ... and that's what'shappening to the games.. "yeah, we're gonna relase it.. really soon" ...and then "ah, here we go. September! " and then, when all of a sudden you're like "god, it's almost release date for *insert random games name*The developers go, "well, can you smell that? .. it's the game coming out.... BUT NOT IN SEPTEMBER NO MORE! MWUHAHA!" (just stop reading if you know where Im getting at, but goon if you're bored asI am).

Anyways!, whatI really wanna hear isYOUR opinion on the whole "let's release the big title games even later than normal" situation.

BeforeI go. lolI would like to apoligize for the whole "jesus joke" thing, if there are any christians out there. im sorry ifI offended you, that was not the point. I (with a bad humor) just like that joke.. again sorry...

and last. but not least. STOP WITH THE WHOLE "360 is better than PS3 and Wii" and the other way around, IT MAKES YOU LOOK RETARDED AND STUPID! AND IT MAKES YOUR PARENTS GO "Jesus christ, is that our child?! what huge lowlife we've brought to this world.. we're so sorry" ... JUST STOP IT! .. go do what the IMPORTANT people like me are doing, buy ALL systems, buy THE GAMES YOU LOVE! (if you're a gamer, you don't care about the console, only the games) and get a freaking Girlfriend for gods sake, like everyone else (including me) has. don't waste ALL your life on playing games. or you'll just end up being one of the IDIOTS that hangs out in the System Wars forums../end of rant

index says it all

"We have a very different approach to exclusives than some of our competitors. We don't buy exclusivity. We don't fund development. We don't, for lack of a better term, bribe somebody to only do a game on our platform. We earn it..." -Jack Tretton

Now i'll leave you to think about that.. and i will say some magic words... "i rest my case"

(and if you haven't figured out what i think yet then.. i hate the quote. it's stupid)

Having fun

That's really all im having at the moment. Fun. im play the hell out of The Lord Of The Rings Online: Shadows Of Angmar. And im on a RP-server so im one of the lucky ones who don't get to play with "xXxLegolasxXx" and so on, though i still stumble across Toons with names like "Silence". who is he/she to tell me to shut up? geez. Anyways, that game is really f'ing funny. specially if you are in a good Kinship, witch i am and if you've bought the Lifetime Subscription, witch i also have. That makes the game a little more fun (for me, that is) Because i HATE having to pay every month and cut down on my game buying,

Anyways. the talking has begun in that game too "doesn't this remind you SO much of World of Warcraft?". NO! And here's why i doesn't remind me, even a little, about World Of Warcraft. First Off: The roleplaying is much more better. we actually DO roleplay for a change. 2:The people online are helpfull and not some russian guy screaming "idiot" the best he has learned (no offence to the russians). 3: Turbine never would think of releasing a patch and make us pay for it. ("What does he mean?" you say? i'll tell you).. let's look at the fact. Blizzard-people sits at work and thinks "hey, maybe we should release a big patch." .. Next guy says: "how about this: We make a patch, and call it an Expansion, and then we can let the suckers pay for NOTHING! sure they get flying mounts. BUT! they'lll only be able to use it it the new area. BUT HEY! they er dumb as.. 'insert f word' so they are STILL going to rush down and pay for it"..... See? makes sense right? now, im not saying you are dumd if you play that game. but Blizzard is.. Turbine just released The Lord Of The Rings Online. We didn't have even 4% as much bugs and glitches as any other MMO. PLUS! we just gotten an Expansion with so much more to do, Set Items, New Deeds, Traits, Skills and so on FOR FREE! you guys do the math. who's the lucky ones?.. 4: the game is so big, that you won't run out of things to do before. well. in maybe 6 months. And if your up for some PVP there's always Monster Play, witch is a great way to get out of the frustration you get for not being able to Solo everything (you know, like everyone does in WoW)... Man i could go on and on and on and on. BUT HEY! if you don't believe me. buy the game (or get a trial, Or buddy key from someone who was smart enough to throw WoW away and play a great MMO).. i promise you that you won't be dissapointed. And if you DO buy the game, And infact DO get dissapointed. then you should stop listening to other people who says things AND MAKE UP YOU OWN GODDAMN MIND!.

Anyways, I'm off to save Princess Legolas, Han Frodo, And Samwisebacca(insider joke)

Oh, i also added some older games to my collection. so yeah, check that out too (you might know what Old Games is if you take a look)

Not Much Of A Blogger. huh?

Well, i guess im not much of a blogger. but it's not like that's gonna kill anyone... yet. but. i dunno.. yeah.

Well. i live in Europe so i've (FINALLY) gotten my PS3. and i am impressed. it's one big console. but, that's okay. i got room for it. and the games looks great (now i just need a new TV to make it look even better) so now the collection is almost complete. i've got all consoles dating back to way before i was born. lol and i love them all. i ain't some lame fanboy (who, in my opinion, should be killed, and it should be legal :P ) all i need now is the XBoxonlyworth1,60 (that's my opinion, no reason to flame me for that) and im gonna get it soon i guess. But the games on the Xbox360 isn't really interesting. nothing catches my eye, that's for sure.. oh well Dead Rising maybe, but that's just because i love killing zombies. but one game is not nearly enough for me to rush out and buy it. but i do have the money, not like consoles are expensive or anything (since, i got a job, so i don't whine about that). but yeah. the collection, as i said, is almost complete, now, i need a new TV and then that's about it. then i need something else to use all my money on. i COULD by a new PC. but. it spent around 3588$ on one just 3 months ago. so it's not really needed. but you never know. not that it's anything special. but. no problems running all games on the best Settings. lol

but anyway. im gonna get get the 360, so if anyone out there knows of any games that'll be coming out that might be fun for a guy like me to play. just mention them, and i'll look into it.

 i like., RPG, FPS, RTS, and so on. not really a problem. i can play all kinds of games. (seeing as i'm still playing on the Amiga and all that :P ) but yeah. hit me with games.  (or better, throw them at me, so i can get them for free :P )