Hilary Clinton, Bill Clinton, Jazzy Jeff, the Fresh Prince, fat game programmers with beards... yup, that game had the best cheat codes ever. And it's still an amazingly fun game today, too.
Vice: Project Doom and Baseball Simulator 1.000. Its my favorite baseball game ever, because there are pretty much super teams with wacky powerups, its incredibly fun.
Just out of curiosity, how do you guys go about playing Japanese games? Do you have some knowledge of the language, play with a guide, or are you just able to usually figure things out on your own just enough to make it playable? I've been dying to get some Japanese games for my Sega CD and TG16, but I would like to know this first. Thanks :)
I'm not sure how interested you are in owning the actual system itself, but if you don't mind, you can buy something called a Retro Duo or a Turbo Twin. It's basically a NES and SNES in one. I use the Retro Duo myself as a backup to my original consoles, and it actually does work very well. If you don't mind not actually owning the NES/SNES system, this is a great way to enjoy games from both of them.
My credit card recently expired, and I am trying to add my new one as a new payment option. Everytime I do this, is says that it's unable to due to either incorrect information (I've done it four time, so I know it's not that,) or that the particular card information is being used on my account... is it at all possible to delete my old credit card information, or does anybody have any suggestions as to what I'm doing wrong? Thanks :)
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