I'm going on a used ps3 game frenzy, trying to pick up older games I have missed for pretty cheap prices, so it looks like H.S. will be a good addition.
Also thinking about picking up Ratchet and Clank Future, PoP, UT3, Soul Caliber 4, and MGS4 in the near future if any of you have any remarks about those games. Or if you have any suggestions for other cheap(ish) games please post them here.
I think Soul Calibur 4 is worth renting...not sure about owning it...I'm not a fan of those games...however.
MGS4 is an "automatic buy" if you own a PS3. If your PS3 is backwards compatible, I would recommend getting MGS3 and playing through that one first.
On the other hand, I remember the last "frenzy" I went on and realized that I didn't have enough time to play and appreciate the great games I was buying.
I would suggest slowing down and playing through one game at a time...unless you have a lot of time to spare...
At any rate, at least read the Wikipedia "canon history" of Metal Gear before playing MGS4. It will take 10 minutes or so but it will make MGS4 more meaningful. Also, realize that MGS4 is kind of quirky and has some humor in it. It's good fiction, not meant to be anything else.
Alright 'll deff do that. I've been trying to find quick ways of catching up on the metal gear story. And thanks for the heads up, chances are I'm gonna buy maybe 3 out of that list i put. My jewish heritage comes out quite strong when i'm faced with making decisions about spending money =b
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