I bought it used at gamestop a week ago and ended up just returning it. The game was great but once I finished the single player I didn't see myself going back and playing it again and while the multiplayer was great I couldn't justify not returning it and saving the money for Uncharted 3 when it comes out. Might be a good one to rent unless you really plan on playing the multiplayer alot.
zeppelin6591's forum posts
i see how this has everything to do with the PS3dstryr13
Well it ties in nicely with the PS3's blockbuster title. I guess the MGS 4 boards would have been a better way to go, I just wanted somewhere with activity.
Microsoft can be good and horrible when it comes to servicing the RROD.
Like http://kotaku.com/gaming/customer-service%3F/the-ms-customer-service-horror-show-310539.php
My main problem with the service is the 3 week wait. And those new chips arent doing much it seems
What I was particularly impressed with is that they will credit your gamercard with 1 month of xbox live if you have gold already since you can't use it while it is in the shop.
I always thought the possibility of it happening to anyone was an exaggeration...until it happened to me about a week ago. My 360 froze during team slayer, and I had to send it in. To be honest, I think the whole event has only made me like xbox more. The service on repair has been better than I expected, and as I brace myself for three weeks with nothing but a PSP and a DS, I am starting to realize that no matter how many times I have thought "Maybe I should have gotten a PS3 or Wii" the 360 was always the right choice.
Sure, each of those systems has some good games, especially the Wii, and they offer other features that I would like. But if Microsoft had said "Sorry, the broken 360's your problem" I would have gone out and bought a new one. Why? I don't think I could ever enjoy myself with the games of either of the other consoles now that I have experienced 360. The best versions of most multiplats, not to mention the earliest in some cases, great online play, and more exclusives worth playing than anyone else. Sure, the issue with breakage and losing my box for a month sucks, but it has really brought to my attention that RROD aside, I think the 360 is still the best console. Thoughts?
i'm pretty sure you will stay connected to xbox live w/ the xbox marketplace one. when playing backward compatible games xbox live never works the way it should.MonkeyInOhio
Yeah you cant even use the guide (chat, music, etc) with xbox 1 games.
Don't ask for them, ask for money, and buy somehting else, and when your ready to stop playing Halo (who knows how long that will be), then buy the games you want.RushMetallica
Well I know people who only played Halo and Madden online for the whole last gen. I liked Gears, but I could tell from the beginning it would get old, and it did within a month or two. Halo feels like it could be forever, especially because I have 10-15 IRL friends that play it and non that play COD4 (although that could change)
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