Since controllers are predominantly for consoles while those strange PC loving freaks toil away on their glorified typewriters, the cinematic nature of Overwatch on PS4 and Xbox One means controllers are automatically better.
We have reached this conclusion using Logic and Reason, which are my favorite things because you can just say them and it makes you both logical and reasonable.
Mouse And Keyboard Are For Scrubs And Children
You’ll hear so-called “PC gamers” extol the precision and 1:1 responsiveness of mice whenever they foolishly claim their input method is the better choice, failing to understand just how pathetic it makes them sound.
Basically, playing Overwatch with a mouse is like playing on easy mode.
You just move the mouse over your enemies and press a button to kill them? I’m sure that’s really satisfying if you’re a literal baby, but in the world of actual adults we prefer to work a little harder and truly challenge ourselves on the field of real-life videogame combat.
It’s simply harder to aim with an analog stick, and if talking to Dark Souls fans has taught me anything, it’s that difficulty is literally the only objective measure of a game’s worth.
If you need a mouse to babysit your stupid fumbling fingers, you need to Git Gud. It’s actually pretty embarrassing watching PC gamers play in the technological equivalent of a ball pool while the grown-ups struggle and triumph with hardware that tests their actual skills.
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