@anthony7648 Yup, just like they are releasing the same games over and over. How many "New Supe Mario" games do they need before it stops being New! the answer is 1
@theblackfrog @somatzu Precisely because we haven't seen much stuff. For all I know it can have the same history as the Dreamcast, and for the looks of it, it's pretty likely it will.
This guy doesn't get it, exactly what's wrong with the company. Nothing to do with marketing, there are no original games. It's either third party games wich exist on other console, crappy party games, or games from Nintendo that we've seen before (2D Mario, SmashBros...). The System is also a generation behind, it should be competing against the Xbox360 and PS3, not against the new generation of consoles. Nintendo is getting pwned by the competition because it relies only on nostalgia to apeal to the audience. Nothing new, nothing special. Maybe it's time for Nintendo to back off the console war, and focus on making great games for other systems
I usually agree with GameSpot's reviews, but this was a really BAD review. Forget about the score, the review is so shallow it seems like the reviewer played 10 minutes and gave it a score.
zeusbark's comments