I haven't been online much and haven't had much time for video games recently. I have been able to find some time to read. Mostly because I can do it while at work online, or while traveling on my cell phone. On a reccomendation from a friend I picked up Ayn Rand's book Atlas Shrugged. I read through the whole thing over the course of a couple weeks.
I'm actually fairly impressed with myself for finishing it. It isn't a bad read its just a pretty long book. According to wikepedia, "at approximately 645,000 words, Atlas Shrugged is one of the longest novels ever written in any European language". I wouldn't say that all of those words are necessary, Rand has a tendancy to rant (a lot), but it is a very likeable novel.
I would like to emphasis that it is worth reading as a novel, not a book on philosophy. The philosophy that Rand really pushes in the book works in her fictional realm, but is only somewhat applicaple to the real world. Her ideas on people not willing to sacrifice themselves for their fellow man are pretty easy to accept, but when she tries to apply that logic to every other aspect of life, that is when he ideas go a little crazy. While reading this book, I was inspired to work harder at my job, but that is the extent of which I'm willing to apply Rand's philosophy to my life.
What I like most about Atlas Shrugged is the absolute determination of the main characters in spite of HEAVY opposition. In some ways, I relate to them and their struggle, but I also admire their single-minded determination and their refusal to let anything get in their way. If you were to just read the end of the book, you probably wouldn't want to accept it, but by reading it all the way through you could not desire any other conclusion. While the characters could be accused of being one demensional, the book itself is dynamic, because it is written in a way to promote change in the readers' thinking. In what capacity the main characters do change, you find yourself wanting to change right along with them. In that regard this book is a unique experience and that is main reason I would reccomend it.
Despite the ammount I enjoyed reading the book, I'm not sure it is for everyone. It makes a lot of philosopical leaps, and you'll either have to be willing to skim through the ranting or skip it entirely. The worst part is that it seems like Ayn Rand wrote this book for people who would take it seriously and think about it, but then assumed they did not have the capacity to understand what she was saying. Ayn Rand spells out very clearly what ideas she is trying to promote in/with this book. I appriciate her being frank, I don't appriciate her being wordy. I do like the characters and the plot, a lot, so if you can take the trade off it is worth reading.
You can check it out from your local library or you can read it here:
You can also download a PDF version here:
If anyone else out there has read this novel and would like to discuss it, I'm always up for it.
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