Mine yellow lighted while playing Modern Warfare 2. Now Im just waiting to get it back. Its in Texas now, right next to the Mexican border for some reason.
I asked this question already but is the game unbalaced? because take a look at this game; he racked up 30 - 35 kills...
The customization, is it deeper? and can you please elaborate?
The weapons they look like they have NO RECOIL...can someone confirm this for me?
In terms of balance, if you sucked at Modern Warfare or World at War you are going to suck at Modern Warfare 2.You are not going to bebetter atModern Warfare 2if you are not good at first person shooters in general. The game is not unbalanced just a lot of good players and good teams now since the series has become so popular.
Customization is pretty deep. There are a bunch of other attachments to weapons besides the silencer and red dot now. Secondary weapons with attachments, earning other perks, killstreaks, and call signs all make the game a lot deeper than the otherCall of Duty games.
Different weapons have different recoils. Some are better than others just like all the other Call of Duty games.
The friends thing can be fixed by deleting your friend, adding them, then inviting them to join a game. I dont know why it works but it does. PSN: Zizaner
I saw the post on the main page that the Bravia was being allowed to stream Netflix movies. Why shouldn't the PS3? I can understand Sony is trying to protect their own content and make money but I would rather use Netflix. What do you think?
Go to Call of Duties website. They have a link that will show you all the new map pack information. Otherwise, type in Shi No Yuma (I think thats the name and proper spelling) at youtube and you will find the new video. It just came up on Friday so that is the reason you are not seeing a whole lot of information on it yet.
Sometimes it just happens that way. You get stuck in a crap room. My recommendation is that you put your PS3 into a DMZ if you are using a router. After I did that to mine I have fewer problems connecting to a game.
World at War is the better value. You get Zombies and Co-op which increase the amount of time you will spend playing single player. If multiplayer is your things, Modern Warfare is more fun. The modern weapons and the time you will spend alive is much shorter. World at Waris the better game though. While the MP-40 is overused, it gives noobs a chance but is not a game breaker. The maps are bigger, there are more game modes, and more weapons to choose from.It is still fun but more of a serious, professional typeshooter than Modern Warfare. The ridiculous no scopeswith sniper rifles and such that seem so cartoonish in ModernWarfare, arenotrelevant in World at War.
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