I will agree that the matchmaking is not as good at Modern Warfare. However, I never have a problem getting kills. The game is still new and noobs are usually the cause of that. It is just a part of the game and it is frustrating if you really really want to win. The servers and just as crappy as Modern Warfare in that the host can quit and end the game for everyone. I disagree that the online is a sham. It is just a bit different from Modern Warfare in that the maps are bigger which changes the gameplay.
The corded logitech mic. I bought mine used at gamestop for like 13 bucks. I naver have to recharge it and it sounds and picks up audio better than most of the cordless ones.
I have come to find that half the people who talk trash about W@W have never played it or seen their friend play it. It is basically a really big expansion from Modern Warfare but still a great game and doesn't feel like a WWII game. It is well worth the 60 bucks. I will agree they need to patch the glitches though. Seems like every map I play someone is underneath it.
If you have no interest in playing the game than get rid of it. I found the online play addicting and it was not until my wife started complaining all the time about me playing it that I finally out it down. Thats my situation though. I have thought about picking up the new WWE game but for now I play World at War ever so often.
I used to think it was one of the greatest games I ever played. The online issues have made the gameplay deplorable though. By online issues I mean people quitting games midway through. It sucks
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