I was thinking about picking up this game, so I read the review and it stated that there are numerous technical issues. To anyone who owns it, have they been fixed yet?
In game XMB sports ticker or a weather ticker. It would be nice to catch the football scores without having to change the input source on my TV while im playing.
Mine will randomly freeze when I am playing online. It doesnt shut it all the way down just freezes. So you are not the only one with COD4 PS3 problems. I can play any other game all I want with no problems. It is just COD4 that give me trouble.
I was just checking the release dates and both of them come out a week apart. Which one are you goign to get? I think I am going to get Resistance 2. I am burnt out on WW2 games.
I noticed my system only freezes when I have a peripherial plugged in or when I am recharging a control. Once I unplug everything I dont have any problems. Hope that helps.
Giving them your credit car information and social secuirty number is probably in your best interest too. WOW someone is desperate to get into your email and read your ads for penis extension pills.
It has become a constant problem. It is not your router though. It is the servers, people leaving games mid way, the host's connection tanking out, playing with people overseas. I cannot get a decent connection in the morning when people overseas start playing more. It is frustrating but there doesn't seem to be a problem in sight since people have been complaining about it since the game was released and nothing has been done about it.
Rock Band by far. The guitar hero experience was getting stale for me after 2. The Rock Band instruments have some issues but the support for them is great. The guitar is easily fixable if you look up some of the mods for it. I havent had a problem with the pedal yet but it is also easily fixable. The mic problems in my opinion are inflated. I have never had a problem. Other than that Rock Band gives you a bunch of more options than guitar hero by far. Online multiplayer, single player, mutliple instruments, forward compatible, DLC, etc.
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