HD DVD backers like Universal and Toshiba claim this is just a fad for PS3 owners who really haven't claimed a devotion to the Blu-ray format. Universal also fired back by saying that the Blu-ray hardware/software tie ratio is low, considering the volume of PS3 units that have been sold.
It's PS3 and also the pubilshers, HD-DVD is going against major studios support. Well TS for toshiba and universal.
Wow, I'd like to know how many of you actually finished Highschool. This is freaking ridiculous, dude. Half of you guys aren't even literate. That's just sad. And if you are, show it, don't post something written entirely in 1337, or post anything half-a$$ed like I've seen. I'm sorry, but reading these posts made me angry. If you can't take the time to write something that makes sense to anyone reading, then don't freaking post. PerpetualBliss
here's a suggestion, MR 45 posts. If you cant read, either learn how to read, or ignore. Don't post and whine about them.
I love their replies, quickly went to the offensive PS3 sux and actually trying to convert you. Yup the more people they convince, the more secure they get. over here, we more like dont waste our time.. i'm happy with mine and go away.
Xbox360 is a great console I jut wish I was more stable and reliable. It has good graphics so far it's game have better graphics than PS3 with few exception to a few good looking ones. If you buy PS3 form Blu-Ray, than it's a bad idea. Using a PS3 to play Blu-Ray will only shorting to life of the lens and the PS3 itself. Blu-Ray is probable going to win the format war eventually but the market is not there yet maybe like 5 years from now. Plus with the $200 you save, could by a real Blu-Ray player. I read somewhere that Blu-Ray player prices will be dropping drastically this year. Plus right now Blu-Ray blank disk cost $20 from 1 and Dual Layer only cost $1.50 for doing stuff like backups.DOOGLE13
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