@zijuun said:
@iHarlequin said:
There's literally no reason to buy the PS4 at the moment. It has no games and odds have it you might get one of the problematic consoles - you're better off waiting a year or two and getting it at a lower price and most likely improved over its initial release version.
That, and PC gaming is just better. @zijuun you're kidding, right? What's the 'diverse' library the PS4 has? At best, it has an impressive 'potential' library - which we won't see come to fruition for another two or three years. TC, trust me: without backwards compatibility, you're going to be stuck with launch shovelware and the one or two quality exclusives they drop on a yearly basis. Absolutely no reason to get a PS4 at the moment, -if- you're between choosing that and a PC.
There "literally no reason"? Tell me why with it's huge launch line-up you can choose lots of different games including AC, COD, BF, Infamous and etc. I won't deny the awesomeness of PC gaming and the convenience of comfortable controls, beautiful graphics and a good library. But to say that there's literally no reason to get a PS4? Dafuq? Ignorance is bliss.
And if a console does have problems, you don't have to wait years. You can wait some good months and then get it. And the probability you'll get a ****ty PS4 is quite low, and if you do get one, Sony is very flexible.
It's completely subjective of which is better, but if you like PC gaming more, I won't hold that against you. Everyone human is entitled to his or her opinion. But to say that it's pointless to get a PS4 is retarded fanboy logic considering millions of people get it and millions prefer a PS4 over a PC for gaming.
Sony has also promised us Gaikai streaming. It'll take a good year or two to get it up and running perfectly which is fine. We'll have plenty of awesome games to keep us busy by then.
Sorry, you're the one being a fanboy. TC asked whether it was, at this point, better to upgrade to the PC he listed or to get a PS4 - you'd have to be blind to think it's better to get a PS4 than that computer. All the titles you said, bar Infamous, are multi-platform games and will look and play better on the PC. Like I said, PS4 is still in the realm of potentiality - a few years from now it may make sense, with multiple exclusives and whatnot. If you're having to weigh your purchase of a PS4 against the purchase of a PC, I will always say that, from an objective standpoint, the PC is better. There's no argument there: if you have to choose one, the PC has more games and plays those that it shares with the consoles better.
At the moment, the PS4 has a game library that consists of a few dozen titles, of which only half a dozen or so are actually exclusive (and none of these exclusives are hardware-sellers like Uncharted or Gears of War, in the sense that no one would buy a console -just- to play Knack). The PC has, literally, several thousand games to play through - and even if you're not into alternative gaming (independent and PC-only, for instance), it still has hundreds of games released in the two past years.
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