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zimmbro Blog

The most Wonderful time of the year

Tomorrow is Christmas, my favorite holiday of the year. During this time, i get to enjoy myself with the countless family members who visit. It is also a time for me to catch up on all the gaming i have missed do to School and other various activities. Speaking of games, i am about 75% done with Fable 2 and i can say it is one of the greatest games i have ever played. Left 4 dead, gears 2, and fallout 3 are all arriving on santa's slay tomorrow so it should be a fantastic week. Happy Holidays to all.

And so i wait

Tomorrow is my final day of school before the paradise that is winter break. Besides seeing my family and all, i get to play games nonstop without having to deal with my annoying parents about school work. For Christmas i am getting Fallout 3, Left 4 Dead and Gears 2. My friend bought me Fable 2 as well so i will have plenty of games to play over the break. I also managed to break my wow addiction. i havent played in 4 hours. i will probably blog again before Christmas but just in case Fable consumes my life and i do not get the chance to blog again, Merry Christmas, Happy Hanukah and Happy Holidays to all. Hopefully the new year will be great for all of us.

Give 007 a shot

Yes this is a blog that features some commentary on james bond Quantum of Solace. The game that has been overshadowed by Gears 2. I beg you guys to check out Solace though, it is great in its own right. I am not saying that it is better then Gears but it is a truly remarkable game. The single player is one of the greatest experiences i have had with a first person shooter.

And it all falls down

I have not written a blog in sometime, the workload at school has been tremendous and i am not even doing all of it. My weekends have been crazy and i am finding it increasingly more difficult to play games. Sure i play madden with my friends but i have not had a chance to play the games that i am dying to play. To think that i have not even played the force unleashed. Some good news is that my friend chris is giving me the force unleashed tomorrow along with the monster that is dead space. His dad gets games and dvds for free and Chris gives me games whenever he has a chance. Basically i am not doing any work this week expect for today and tomorrow. After that it is all games, L's and shots of Bacardi. With gears 2 and the james bond game hitting shelves next week i really need to catch up on my gaming. Well thats all. Expect a review for the force unleashed and dead space my monday ish. A will leave you with a parting question. Why is jadakiss as hard as it gets"

Is this for REal

At 8:30 in the morning, i was not ready to put in the strenuous effort that web design requires. Instead i went to Gamespot to check out the latest news in the world of gaming. While checking out Dead Space i noticed that another game was coming out on the same date, WTF Saints Row 2. Can this be happening, two incredible games, i have no money, junior year blows like Briana Banks. I then remembered (come on 8:30 on a monday) that fallout 3 comes out the 28 and Fable 2 comes out the 21. Along with Far Cry 2 somewhere in between and gears on november 13th and james bond on november 4th. To think that all this during the most important year of my school life. In other news a friend gave me strangehold as a late bday gift (about 2 moths late but w.e. its the thought) and i plan on playing it as soon as i get a chance. Have a good weekend everyone, BARACK OBAMA 08

You can have whatever you like

So with one month of school finished a blog is in order. Unfortunately, i did not get to play a lot of games this month due to the fact that junior year really does suck. I picked up crackdown yesterday and i have to say i am really enjoying it. The fact that i got it for $15 only aids to fun. So thats it, im out, see you all in the future.

Did we just hit that car....

Well this weekend was my Schools homecoming weekend. Basically another excuse to get F'D up beyond belief. Unfortunately, Star Wars The Force Unleashed came out as well so i had to make a very difficult choice. Get messed up with friends, or play video games in my basement. I chose to do both. Unfortunately i passed out both friday and saturday night so i never got a chance to play my beloved game. Tomorrow i will probably skip school and play for 7 hours. Give me a break, we all need a day to relax. I will probably have another blog up when I have the time and when i feel like it. Until then, enjoy the week and make good decisions (A Classic line from my mom).

In my Lifetime

Today in school, i could not help thinking about my life after hearing about the author Ernest Hemingway. He is often considered to be the greatest American writer but he lived a life of despair and depression. When I think about my life, a lot of things come to mind. The classic guy stuff, like the day i lost my virginity and the first girl i ever made out of with. Then i went a little bit deeper, i thought about all the people that i have affected in my life. All the insults that i have said because of impulsive mood swings. When i think of myself, i see to distinct sides. One side loves to socialize, go out, and have a great time. The other side loves to read comics, watch movies, and ply video games. To me, thats what life is all about. Enjoying Yourself, and making the most of the opportunities that come your way. When i Die i want to be able to say that i lived each and every day to the fullest and impacted those around me in positive ways.

5K boi

Well as i might have stated before i really don't care about gamer points at all. Sure its fun to go for acheivments once in a while but i play games for the sole purpose of enjoyment. Today i surpassed 5,000 gamer points which is not a lot but its sort of a milestone. So cheers to me. And it should be a good saturday. So peace