@ilovecrackers The only way the true success of the Kinect will be measured will be by the number of games it can or cannot sell. Physical units sold cannot be used as a metric since MS is forcing everyone to buy one.
@Stevo_the_gamer @juboner @malokevi Can the human eye even tell the difference with a 4k? I stood in front of one at BB and it looked no better than the rest. My eyes are also horrible.
@Stevo_the_gamer @PuppetKutaro There is also zero proof that the new Kinect is any better than the old. Just because MS says it is does not mean it is.
@Stevo_the_gamer @zintarr @CallMeDuraSouka As a current owner of both the 360 and a PS3 I am not a MS hater but an informed consumer. Only MS lovers deny the past failures of the hardware of the 360.
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