Buy soul calibur 4 so the online mode will kik butt! :D :D :D :D. Really hyped for it and i want more ppl to play this game online. srry if u dont like to be told what to do. and srry if you thought this thread was stupid ( i thought that a little ) but buy the game please! more the players, the better the online will be.
i just dont ant the online of this game to go down like tekken 5. :(
Blood Diamond looks really good on bluray, i never get dvds anymore, but ye the ps3 upscales dvd but theyr still not as good as bluray, The Departed being my test subject
i wuld recommend mgs4, great single player aswell, its online is by far no way the best but it is pretty good i kno u sed u wanted fps but seriously giv mgs4 a try
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