also sony had ps1 and ps2 very high priorty but it seems ps3 has slipped from that rank otherwise sony would be more willing to spend cash on holding exclusives
u shuld be able to press the home button then the ps4 turns into the tiny transformer from transformers (duh) and destroys all the wii's and 360's in ur country :D
Looks like its going to the xbox too. Whoa. Well, good for everyone I guess. Maybe now it will come out faster??
If they can put all the FFXIII data on an xbox disc, then whats the big deal about bluray with that game in particular?
The BluRay thing was smoke going into your posterior, courtesy of Sony Corporation. The big deal about BluRay is that if we all buy into it, which we did, they win the format war.
which they did, but SE have kept quite though wether ff13 will be on multiple discs for 360 or not
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