I've been disappointed so far. The episodes are so short! They are about 40 minutes with the credits and intro. BoB varied but were usually a little over an hour long. You guys are right about forgetable characters. The ones in BoB were way more likable and you actually felt emotions for them throughout the show. I still think its an alright show but BoB was just on a whole nother level of awesome it can't campare.
I absolutely hate people who walk slow in public. Not only are they walking slow, but sometimes they form packs that are not possible to get by. In this situation you cant really get by without it being awkward so you are kind of trapped.
I also hate when people walk around the halls in school with headphones in. In school there is not reason to put on your iPod for a 2 minute walk to your next class. Be social! Don't hide in your old world.
I hate 8 year-olds playing on Xbox Live. I thought games were rated M for a reason, but apparently some parents don't care.
I'll end my list with bandwagon sports fans. I hate to see fans desert a team when they're playing poorly (Bruins). I also hate when a team's fan base doubles overnight when the team wins the championship or has a strong season (Saints). If your a fan your a fan. Don't jump ship every year to like the best team out there.
I agree with you regarding CoD and Gears of War. Sometimes I wish that sequels would come faster aka Half-Life 2 Episode 3. Valve drives me crazy but they always have spectacular games.
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