Wow. MMOs. That will appeal to probably appeal to less than 10% of Xbox games, and considering the fact that most people eventually buy a harddrive, I say this is awesome.
It's a tough call. However, the parents, if they were half decent parents, would want me to save their child over them, or at least have the child live over them.
You are wrong. This is the most ridiculous game ever: It's an FPS about Noah drugging animals with sleeping pills using a slingshot. The levels and design are direct conversions of Wolfenstein 3D.
Wow. I had seen pics from the old build but I had never seen this video. So my question is what did you all who saw this think of this build when you first saw it.
It takes an orbital space station laser cannon being channeled through a beacon gun over two times to kill a beserker. It takes bullets, grenades, and the environment to kill a Big Daddy.
The beserker has to be hit with intense heat to be injured. No other weapon will hurt it without intense heat.
The military doesn't pay all that well. People can easily get other jobs that pay that well. The other jobs don't have crazy terrorists shooting at you on a near daily basis. Imagine dealing with that before you go saying that these people don't deserve to be considered heroes. Mumbles527
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