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funniest rant ever

i've been catching up on gamespot's hotspot podcast. today, i heard one of the funniest rants ever. he let everyone know how he feels about sony. whether this guy planned it out as an act or whether it was real doesn't matter, because it is so freakin' funny. get a hold of the july 5th, 2006 podcast and jump to 43 minutes and 46 seconds. this guy is awesome. i crack up every time i hear it. i need to get this guy to record my mobile phone message. use itunes or get it here.

g4 is dead

like a big, fat, stinking, cow carcass, g4 is dead. when they made a jump from techTV to g4 they almost stayed alive. i for one, wasn't bothered by the loss of more pc and tech related shows, but they were nice. but g4 could not keep an audience. they just couldn't get it together. then they started introducing some of the worst shows ever such as fastlane. what does that show have to do with gaming? and their shows that cover cars and such just don't relate at all to games. i can see that some gamers may be into drifting or custom cars, but g4 slowly started the massive exclusion of its core audience. then they brought in star trek. woop-dee-doo. then they did a redesign of one of their decent shows, attack of the show, and it became a mess. icons is now a show dedicated to people that g4 considers to be icons of culture not of video games. they also added new and annoying talent, especially layla kaleigh (the tv can not remain on if i hear her voice or see her). olivia munn i can deal with. add all of that plus the addition of midnight spank and its crummy lineup of shows, including cheaters (and that's not cheats for games), and the result is spikeTV version 2.0. g4 is dead. thankfully, we still have a place of refuge in gamespot and other game sites.

44% failure rate

considering that i have had three xbox 360's that were defective, i wanted to know what the failure rate of the console was. i looked online, but there aren't any reliable sources except for one quote the next-gen.biz says came from microsoft. but even then, there is no official numbers. some reports state microsoft reps said the failure rate was 1-2%. an unofficial poll taken in a team xbox forum resulted in a near 16% failure rate. but the poll is from last november, so the numbers could be different it were done again today. now, for the failure rate within the people i know who have an xbox 360. there are 7 of us. and of the 7 there have been 9 consoles. 4 out of the 9 consoles were defective. that's a 44% failure rate.

$399 brick

   there comes a time when one person has had enough with failure. my time came yesterday when i received 360 number three, via ups, and it didn't work.
   i bought my first 360 at launch. i waited in the cold overnight in order to get one of the few 360's available. i thought about selling it on ebay, but i really wanted to play it. from the beginning of 360 number one's life, the dvd drive made a lot of noise. i complained to xbox support, and they replaced it.
   360 number two arrived quickly. it worked. i was happy. about 3 months later, it died. xbox support sent me another return box, and i sent number two back.
   360 number three arrived yesterday. it worked until i tried to open the disc tray. it wouldn't open. clunk.....clunk.....clunk..... is the only sound it made. i have a movie here. so i called some friends to tell them that number three was broken. then i called xbox support. they said that they would put in a request for a new console to be sent to me, since it was the third broken 360. we shall see.
   right now, i'm not mad or frustrated. but i am concerned that microsoft continues to replace defective 360's with more defective 360's.

toobin'... what a stupid level name

toobin' was a fun game back in the 80's, but i think it's a stupid name for the 13th level in the gamespot rankings. for any level. i can't wait to graduate from this idiotic name.

[edit] now i'm at 99.84%. the toobin' gods must have seen this blog and decided to punish me.

king sized glitch

as much as i enjoyed playing kong and getting the 1000 achievement points that they were handing out, i was distracted by the bugs. especially that bug that froze up the game and deleted all of my saves. but i present to you jack's leg. somehow one of the prehistoric water creatures ripped jack's leg off as i was being pulled up out of the water by ann. i think it was a glitch that allowed ann to pull me out while i was getting killed by the creatures. you got me. funny thing is the leg was still kicking even in death.

my beef with netflix

i think netflix is a great service, because where i live, you can't rent cool anime at the local movie rental store. they pride themselves on fast delivery, "more than 90 percent of our users receive their movies with generally one-day service." and they are right, 90 percent of the time that is. i think with more popular movies, very mainstream movies, 90 percent of the movies do make it with one day service. but i've found that many of movies have been in the other 10 percent. i believe that since many of the anime shows and movies i am renting are not in huge demand, netflix has a smaller quantity of them spread throughout 37 shipping centers. so, when i send the movies back they are travelling to their original destination, scanned in, and the next one is sent out. sometimes, it takes 6 or more days. but i have come up with a system that is speeding up the netflix shipping process. on the return envelope their is an address that says, "Nearest Netflix Shipping Facility..." well, i have had some envelopes that were addressed to texas, idaho, california and other far-off places. the nearest facility to me is in kentucky. so, i just mark out the original address and write in the new. voila!! problem solved.

my new ride

this board is sweet. i just picked it up. i love athf and i love the board even more. now i own a part of the athf merchandising world takeover. what a good little consumer i am. i hope to get some trucks and wheels on it. if that never happens at least i'll have an awesome board to hang on the wall right in between the deer head and the stuffed raccoon.

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